Gotcha - 15

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Alex focused. He focused hard. He couldn't slip up. Not now. He slowly opened his eyes to the bright sunlight spilling from the windows. Focus. Focus. Focus. As Alex opened his eyes, He did his best not to look to the side. He knew Thomas was there. If he so much as even saw him, he would become helpless. He had to take his pill. He felt Thomas shift next to him. He breathed heavily as he grabbed the container of pills next to him, quickly popping a pill in his mouth. After a minute or so, his eyes felt droopy. He went back to his position on the bed, turning to face Thomas. To his surprise, Thomas was sweating profusely, his hands clutching the hem of his shirt. Alex sat up.

"Thomas, what's wrong?" Alex asked, turning around completely to face Thomas.

"Alex...aren't you s-scared? You're always scared in the morning" Thomas said, still staring at the ceiling. His chest rose and fell shakily. He had gotten used to Alex's screams of horror in the morning. He had learned that staying out of sight was always better. Now Alex had scooted closer to Thomas, looking down at the bigger man.

"Thomas, I took my pill...remember" Alex said, prolonging each word as he placed a finger on Thomas's chest. He felt Thomas freeze under him. Alex snickered to himself, I have him right where I want him. Before warning him, Alex swung a leg over Thomas, sitting on his lap.

"A-Alex?! What are you-" he began.

"Oh come on, don't tell me this isn't tempting." Alex said with a roll of his eyes and he pointed at himself. Thomas reddened and he laughed, trying to push Alex off. Alex held on tight, digging his nails into Thomas's thighs. He winced as he looked down at Alex.

"Alex, it is very tempting. But you remember what happened last time... I don't want that to happen to you again..." Thomas said, looking away in shame. Alex slid a finger under his chin, pulling his head back towards him(idk I can't write).

"Yeah. Well, I do." Alex said with a sly grin. Thomas blushed and looked askance.

"W-well, I-I don't-"

"Just shut up, Thomas." Alex said, silencing Thomas with a hard kiss. Thomas moaned silently, a single tear rolling his face as Alex's nails dug into his back.

"Alex, please..." Thomas breathed out as Alex moved down, slowly releasing the pressure in Thomas's pants.

"Please, what?" Alex said seductively.
Thomas looked down once more before flushing and covering his face in shame.

"Please... do what you will" Thomas let out shakily. This was a major first for him. He was usually the one that took initiative, not Alex. Alex smirked before retorting,

"If you insist." And with that, he pulled Thomas's pants off, resulting in a small squeak. He began to touch him through the fabric of his underwear, Thomas twitching with anticipation. His back arched slightly as he held on the the bed.

"A-alex, are you sure you can do this?" Thomas said in almost a cry has Alex wrapped his small hands around his cock. Alex stifled a laugh as he moved faster, Thomas throwing his head back.

"I wouldn't doubt it if I were you, Jefferson." Alex said gripping harder. Thomas whimpered in response, close to his climax when Alex took his hands away. Thomas looked down, panting.

"W-why did you stop?" Thomas asked with a heavy blush. Alex didn't respond; he only took his own jeans off and threw it to the side. He stood on his knees and pulled Thomas closer. Thomas yelped as he jerked against the sudden action. He tried to get up when he felt a strong arm curl his shirt.

"Lay down." Alex said in a soft, but scary manner. Thomas looked up at Alex with a hint of fear in his eyes.


"I said lay down, Thomas." Alex said in a lower tone. Thomas shrunk, slowly lowering his body towards the bed. He shook as Alex took his hands and pinned it above his head.

"Alex, what are you-"

"Don't talk." Thomas pressed his lips together. Never had he felt this small. He felt his entrance tense as Alex's member pushed up against his. For a second, Alex felt scared. Thomas could see it in his eyes.

"Alex I- fuck Alex!" Thomas moaned as Alex pushed inside of him without warning. Alex grinned evilly as he gripped Thomas's waist, watching him squirm. Tears flew from Thomas's eyes as he held on to the bed for dear life. He hadn't felt like this in ages; he felt completely and utterly defenseless.

"F-faster Alex" Thomas begged as Alex sped up, a moan escaping his mouth.

"Shit, you're so t-tight" Alex growled as he slid in and out with more pressure. Thomas whined under Alex, unable to control himself. His hips bucked up, trying to last longer. Suddenly, his eyes shot open.

"T-THERE ALEX, PLEASE AGAIN" Thomas screamed, stuffing his face in the duvet. Alex pushed harder, achieving that feeling again.

"You close?" Alex said lowly as Thomas nodded vigorously.

"H-harder Alex, one last time-" Thomas practically cried. And with one more intrusion, they both came at the same time, Alex yelling out his lover's name. Alex leaned in closer to Thomas's face, panting. He smiled with his eyes only half open.

"You know Jefferson, you should let me take control more often." He said with a small laugh. Thomas inhaled sharply, trying his best to respond. He only choked, turning red. Alex laughed warmly and laid down on top of Thomas, feeling the radiant warmth.


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