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Thomas clutched the arms of his chair, his knuckles turning white from the pressure.

"No..." he whispered, fear settling over his features.


Laurens gasped as the two security guards shoved him into a large room.

"HEY! WHAT GIVES-" He yelled, stopping when he noticed he had been pushed into a big meeting. Multitudinous eyes stared at him, and he realized where he was. This was the meeting he was supposed to be in, with his new "mentor", Washington. Suddenly Laurens felt a lump in his throat. This business. This building. This room. This meeting. The reason he was here.

He looked around the room frantically as the security guards and Washington conversed on what to do next when he found them. The eyes of Thomas Jefferson. He immediately diverted his eyes, not willing to look at the man he had once... yeah...

"Mr. Henry Laurens. Please, sit. Washington demanded in a frightfully calm tone. The guards stood at the doors, so he couldn't run away. He looked back at the boss.

"U-uh, w-where sir?" He stuttered. He felt the millions of stares bearing down on his back. He felt the one particular frightened stare drilling holes into his frame.

"Jesus Christ man, just find the closest empty chair! I have a meeting to attend to." Washington said in an annoyed tone. Laurens swallows and nodded, looking around the room.


No fucking way.

The only empty chair was...next to Thomas. He glanced back at the guards before shuffling with his handcuffs and taking a seat. The whole time, he never looked at Thomas. As he sat, he could hear Thomas's labored breathing, and he could hear Alex quietly sushing him. Laurens felt a hot lump in his throat; the truth was that he has changed. He had gone through a mental hospital, he was fixed. He was fine. But that didn't mean that Thomas would be any better. That didn't meat Thomas would be afraid, or think of the man that had raped him a year ago. Laurens fidgeted in his seat when he heard Thomas cry softly to himself and run out of the room. Laurens looked back and stopped breathing; Alex was staring at him, himself tearing up and shaking. Alex stared into his eyes, a chilling glaze. A glaze that said,

"Touch him, and you're dead."


It had been 27 minutes since Thomas had ran out of the room and slid down a wall, sobbing into his hands. He couldn't control it anymore. Laurens has been there. He was there, in that room. With his belt, undoubtedly.
The thought sent Thomas sobbing uncontrollably once again. He shuddered and hugged himself, never looking as small as he did then. The meeting must have come to an end as workers spilled out of the door. Thomas wanted to get up, to hide his feelings. But he couldn't move, he couldn't get up. He screamed when he felt a hand on his shoulder and fell backwards.

"NO!! Not aga- Alex??" Thomas asked, his whole frame wracked with fear. Alex cried and pulled Thomas to his feet, hugging his chest as tight as he could, soothing the back of Thomas head. He pulled back and looked around frantically.

"Babe, we gotta get out of here, Laurens could be- T-T-Thomas..."Alex froze, not letting go of Thomas's blazer. Thomas started to grow even more anxious.

"A-Alex, what is it? Why are you looking behind me? Alex, w-wha-"

"Follow me, let's go." Alex demanded, pulling Thomas along. They had to get out of there, that was Alex's only intention at the moment. He was not gonna let Laurens' presence scare Thomas, even if it was unintentional.

Even if he has changed.

Laurens sat in the meeting room, alone. He had so much to think about. He had changed, he was good now. But how in the world could he convince Thomas and Alex that? Whenever Thomas even looked at him he freaked out! What was he gonna do...

It was at that moment that the door burst open. Laurens flipped around, startled. Hadn't everyone gone home for the day?

"Laurens. We need to talk."

"M-Mr. Ha-Hamilton, I didn't-"

"Save it. We both know why you're here, we both know what you did, Laurens." Alex started, walking towards the cowering man. Not to say Alex wasn't slightly intimidated by the taller man, but he wasn't about to let that show. Alex stood face to face with Laurens, crossing his arms.

"And I want you to know that what you did, was unforgettable. Thomas, Jesus, HE'S STILL TERRIFIED OF YOU!" Alex was now yelling. Henry Laurens backed up into his chair, the words sinking in. He knew what he did was deathly wrong. He knew they would never forgive him.

But he didn't know that Thomas was still terrified. And ladies and gentlemen, terrified is a strong word.

"Hamilton, listen, I know what I-"

"NO! YOU LISTEN!!" Alex was now crying. "T-Thomas is at home now! I-i can't even get him out if our room cause of how traumatized he is! He had to see your fucking face again! J-just know that he is traumatized because of you! And you have to fix it, do you understand me? Do you know how fucking hard it is to watch your loved one deteriorate in front of your eyes? Thomas is a strong man, but because of you, today he was a different man!!!" Alex screamed, crying throughout. He stormed away to the door, about to slam it close. He looked back wildly once more.

"Fix it. Or I'll fix you."

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