It's offical, PART ONE - 39 (long chapter, INFO!)

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"Are you sure, Anna? We can postpone it if you wanted." Thomas said hastily, wiping the sweat off his hands. Anna smiled up at him and turned back to the grave.

"Yes, please Tommy." She whispered as she eyed the gray stone in front of her. "What else could I ask for? How do you ask for anything more than love? More than my brother getting married to a beautiful man? More than your happiness- our happiness?" She hugged Thomas's waist harder.

"I love you, Anna."

"Love you too, Tommy. Let's head back to the car now."

"Hey, Anna?"


"Mom would be proud of you."
Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful.
These are the only words that flow through My head as I stands in front of Alex. I looked down at Alex and he looks at me with the warmest smile ever. I can't believe it. We are currently standing in the park where we first fought, back in college. We had fought over some silly debate, and ended up having a fist fight here. There was blood and it was gory, until I ended up bringing him to my dorm cause I felt bad. And since then we've been together. Memories.

"Do you, Alexander Hamilton, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" John asked. That's right. After hours of begging, we finally let him do the honors. Well, him and his turtle, Hex. Remember Lily? The wedding planner? We told her about our predicament, and that we didn't want a big wedding. We just wanted something real, something meaningful, something that we loved. We wanted to go back to the start. So here we are, the place where it all started. I look down into Alex's eyes, and he looks up at me with young eyes. He wears a pink tie and his hair is up. A black vest and dress pants with brown combat boots finish attire. I smile sheepishly; he's so gay.

"Hello? Guys? Anyone home?" John waved in front of my eyes. I blinked and shook my head. I nodded with a blush and he smirked, continuing. With us in the park was Lily, Anna, Herc and Laf, Madison, and the Schuyler sisters. I smiled and took Alex's small hands into mine. I felt a blush rise to my cheeks.

"Thomas, do you take Alex to be your husband? Do you promise to be faithful to him in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love him and to honor him all the days of your life?" John read from a paper. We all laughed at his attempt. I faced back at a rosy cheeked Alex. I nodded.

"I do."

John huffed and shuffled through more crumpled papers, making us all laugh. He lit up when he found the right one.

"Alexander, do you take Thomas to be your husband? Do you promise to be faithful to him in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love him and to honor him all the days of your life?" John said happily, slightly nudging his turtle back on his shoulder. Alex looked up at me with slightly teary eyes. He missed his family. We are his family now.

"I do." Alex chirped.

John out his papers away and crossed his arms with a smirk.

"You may now tackle the bride."

Alex laughed and rolled up sleeves before jumping on me. I yelped before falling back and onto the ground. This was the same scenario back in college. He looked at me once more before kissing me hard, holding the sides of my face. I held his waist as I kissed him back, the heat engulfing both our bodies.

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