Where are you taking me? - 62

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(Takes place during last chapter)

Anna set Philip down on the bed, he was already asleep. She sighed as she peeked out of her door again. She listened.

"Hmm... they're not fighting anymore..." she murmured to herself. With one last deep breath, she strode out to the hallway and back into the living room. She found Thomas sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. She carefully walked next to him, not wanting to agitate him further.

"Tommy? You okay?" She asked softly, trying to catch his eye. Thomas looks up wearily at her before pulling her into a soft hug.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Sorry you had to hear that, sis." He said into my shoulder, barely above a whisper.

"Where's-" I began to ask, but he pointed to their bedroom. I nodded. Biting my lip, I continued.

"Tommy, I put Philip to sleep on my bed. Can I ask you something, a-and you promise not to get mad?" I asked, fiddling with my thumbs. He smiled sadly before holding my hands in his.

"I won't get mad, I promise Anna." He said softly. I took a deep breath.

"Can I g-go on a date with John?" I asked with a nervous smile. He looked out to the distance for a couple seconds before sighing and running his eyes. He looked back to me with a breathy chuckle.

"Sure. You can go. Just don't do anything you'll regret." He said jokingly. I held back the urge to roll my eyes.

"Thank you!" I said sweetly, kissing his cheek before walking to open the front door. I grabbed my bag and a spare key and slipped on my shoes. I looked back at Thomas once more.

"And Thomas? Don't forget to apologize to Alex." I said a little more seriously. He nodded at me and waved. I smiled and closed the door behind me, exhaling as soon as I heard the click sound. I grin as I walk across the hall to John's apartment. This'll be fun.



Oh my god oh my god OH mY GoD!

Anna and I are going on our first date!! I am so excited! But I can't help feeling like I'm gonna screw this up. I am -78% romantic. I mean, I know Anna's different from most girly girls, but I still wanna impress her! I have an idea, though. Hopefully she'll like it. Okay okay, gonna go take a shower. Have to look presentable, right? Watch over Hex for me, will you?


Anna approached John's door and knocked. He didn't open. She pressed her ear to the door to find the soft pitter of the shower. She laughed and pulled out her spare keys. Opening the door, she swung it open and stepped in, throwing her stuff on the table.

"JACKY IM HEEEERE" she yelled. Without hesitation, she waltzed into his bedroom, outside of his shower. She plopped on the bed an pulled out her phone, waiting for him.

  John wrapped the towel around his torso and ran a hand through his hair. He didn't hear Anna come in to his bedroom. He looked into the mirror and frowned, poking at his abs.

"God, I wish I didn't have these." He mumbled to himself, gesturing to his six pack. He didn't know why, but he didn't like them. It made him look big and scary. If anything, he really didn't wanna scare Anna. Or so he thought. He dismissed the thought and left the bathroom.

"Sup- oh shit-" Anna started, flipping over to face John before realizing their predicament. She hid her blush professionally, and smiled up at her boyfriend with a smirk.

"Oh hey, Jacky." She laughed. John turned bright red and turned away.

"Anna! I d-didn't know you were in here, Jesus! Don't look at me." He pouted, earning another laugh from Anna. She leaned back on her elbows.

"Come on, babe! It's just me." She rolled her eyes. John hesitatingly turned around and sighed heading towards his dresser. Anna noticed his six pack as he turned, a blush forming on her cheeks.

"Stop staring." John said from across the room. Anna almost choked.

"H-hey! I am n- ok ok so I am but what did you expect! It's kinda uncanny that you have abs considering the fact that you play video games all day." Anna laughed nervously. John threw his head back and groaned.

"I know, embarrassing right?" He mumbled, pulling a shirt and a pair of jeans from his closet. He turned back around to Anna and pointed towards the door with a smirk.

"Okay, now you gotta get out." He laughed. Anna smirked and stood up, walking up to him. She placed a small kiss on his cheeks, intentionally placing a hand on his bare chest. She lingered there longer than usual. He squeaked and shivered slightly, not daring to touch her. Anna laughed as she walked out the door.

"Hahah you're so responsive, babe!"

John closed the door and yelled back.

"Am not!"

He sighed and slipped on his shirt immediately. His whole face felt hot as he pressed a hand to his cheek. He smiled softly and slapped his forehead, shaking his head.

"Jesus Christ, Anna."


"ALL MY FRIENDS ARE HEATHENS TAKE IT SLOW! WAIT FOR THEM TO ASK YOU WHO YOU KNOW!" Anna and John screeched, singing along to the radio as John drove them to their destination for the date. Surprisingly, John had it all planned out.

Anna turned off the radio and faced John in the passenger seat.

"Sooo baby, what do you have planned?" Anna asked, twirling John's hair around her finger. John grinned and shook his head.

"Sorry, can't tell you. It's a surprise." He said with a wink. Anna groaned and fell back in her seat.

"Come oooon Jacky! I wanna know nowww." She whined.

"Babe, you're acting like a child."

"I am a child."

"You- OH MY GOD ANNA STAPH" John blushed, hitting his head against the steering wheel. Anna laughed loudly and placed a hand on his thigh.

"Just kidding, just kidding! I'm almost 16! Four years isn't that bad, considering that your mental age is probably like 17." She smirked, not moving her hand.

"Well, I- alright you have a point." John laughed nervously. He stiffened when Anna placed a hand on his thigh. He shifted slightly away from it. Anna smirked and removed her hand.

"Grow up, babe."

"I'm trying." He laughed.

They drove for about 15 more minutes before John parked in a dark alley. It was 7:45 pm now.

John and Anna both got out of the car, and Anna looked around suspiciously.

"Uh, John? Where are we?" She asked, waking to his side. John only smiled and took her hand. She wasn't too much shorter than him.

"Follow me." He said sweetly. The sun set completely and the town grew dark. John led Anna through the alley, and up darkly lit stairs in a sketchy building. Anna shakily said,

"Babe, where are you taking me?"

John grinned, an expression that Anna's never seen before.

"I'm about to change your life."


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