The worst kind of reunion - 35

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*angst*  I'm sorry I couldn't keep it happy also it's state testing rn sorry if this sucks I tried to write this after taekwondoa lmao but yikes

Alex rubbed Thomas's back as he stared at his phone nervously.

"Are you sure Alex? W-what if he gets really mad? Oh god, when my dad gets mad, he gets mad Alex. Can you come with me? Maybe I shouldn't even go. Maybe-"

"Hey, look at me. It'll be ok. You're a man. You can do this. You know what you are, don't let that homophobe treat you less or tell you what to be." Alex said reassuringly. Thomas sighed and held his forehead. His father had emailed him that morning, and it sent shivers down Thomas's spine.


Your mother told me. She told me everything. What troubles me, is that you didn't tell me first. You know how I feel about this, and you know the truth. I didn't raise you to be like this, to be disgusting. I thought you would have learned you lesson after last time. We need to speak. Come to my household at 10:00, don't keep me waiting. I am disappointed, Thomas.

~James Jefferson

Thomas let Alex read the email. Alex read through the email, one time, two times, three times.

"Bullshit!" Alex yelled, throwing the phone across the couch. He turned to Thomas and grabbed the side of his face. Thomas frowned as he looked into the smaller man's eyes.

"Thomas, you are gonna go to him, and you tell him. You tell him that we are getting married, you tell him that you are the owner of your decisions, and you tell him that he is an ugly ass homophobe."

"Alex, I-"

"And most of all, you tell yourself not to be scared." Alex said, pulling Thomas's face closer before placing a kiss on his lips. Thomas closed his eyes and placed a hand on Alex's.

"Okay, I will."

I will.

Alex didn't come. He couldn't; Washington had called him in for an immediate meeting with the board. God I wish he was here right now. As I near the front of the house, I can feel my nerves rising up. Me and my father have never had the best relationship. It was...complicated. I stop at the red light and lean back in my seat. My mind wanders to my father; I don't need to be scared. Alex told me that I don't need to be scared. But...what if I am. I close my eyes, the burning sensation stinging the inside of my eyelids.

"That is outrageous, son!"

"Daddy no!"

"Don't you dare call me your father! I am ashamed to be related to a gay bastard! I told you no holding hands, didn't I?!"

"B-but he-"

"But nothing! You held hands with another boy! Do you know how crude that is, Thomas?! I didn't raise you to be like this!"

"Stop! He's my best friend, I love Jemmy!"

"Get out."


"Get out of my house, Thomas. Before I do something I'll regret."

"Daddy, please I'm just-"




I blink away the memories and shoot straight up in my seat. The light was green. I shout a sorry out my window before driving hastily towards my old home.

As I stand in front of the door, I exhale deeply. What would I even say? What would he say? Oh god, I hope Anna's home. I knock on the door.

Please be Anna.
Please be Anna.
Please be Anna.
Please be-


It's not Anna.

I couldn't go with him today. Washington had called me in for some shit meeting with the board, and I'm not really excited about that. Remember what happened at the last board meeting? Yeah. I straighten my tie before walking into Washington's office. Maybe I can get myself out of the meeting. I just need to convince Washington...

"Ah, Hamilton. Come in, son"

I have the perfect idea.

"Thank you, sir." I say with emphasis. He raises an eyebrow slightly as he continues to read something in his hand.

Third person

"Alexander, I was looking over your reports recently. It seem you- please don't touch that." Washington said as Alex fiddled with something in his shelf. Alex smiled to himself, he was about to fuck up, but anything to get out of the meeting.

"Sorry daddy." Alex said, trying to sound as sad as he could. He could almost hear Washington choke.

"U-uh, it's alright, just, focus. Now you write one with the reference to the emails from last week, but- ALEX." Washington breathed as Alex sat on his lap, wrapping a hand around his neck and looking down at the paper.

"Yes, dad?" Alex asked innocently. He saw Washington blush slightly before smiling softly.

"Uh, it's nothing. Forget it, I'll ask Burr to do it. You can uh, go home for the day son." Washington said, scratching his cheek. Alex smiled before getting off his lap and hugging Washington tightly.

"Thank a lot dad. Really appreciate it." Alex whispered in his ear and walked out the door. As he closed the door, he could practically hear Washington fist pumping from behind him. He snickered as he walked to his office, grabbed his things, and headed to his car. Mission accomplished.

It has been an hour since Thomas left for his parents house. I wonder how everything is going... Oh, he's fine. This is Thomas we're talking about. I look down when I hear a ding at my phone. I unlock my phone to find a text from Anna. My face lights up; she was a really nice kid. As I began to read her paragraph of a text, my smile slowly fades.

"Oh shit"


Sorry this is kinda horrible but I had testing today and I have to update everyday so rip

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