He can't hurt you - 44

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I gasped and turned my head as the red heat spread across my cheeks. I blinked through teary eyes and looked back down at Alex. All my anger had dissipated. Alex spoke in a voice that made me shrink.

"Thomas. That's enough." Alex said, pulling Anna up as she stood behind him. I looked at Alex with wide eyes.

"Thomas don't you see? You're scaring Anna! She was almost in a full out panic attack! You need to be more careful!" He lectured. I looked at Anna and pursed my lips. He was right. I had pushed too far. Anna had always gone through panic attacks as kids as a result of our abusive father. To her, it was verbal abuse. But when she had to watch the physical abuse on me... My yelling must have triggered those memories. I knew what was best for her now.

"I'm sorry, Anna. I'll leave now." I said as I stepped out the door and left the apartment. I knew it was the right thing to do. After a panic attack, I knew that Anna always needed time to cool off. So did Alex back in senior year of high school. (Refer to basically any modern AU story lol) I sighed; what did I just do?

I didn't like it. Slapping Thomas like that? No, I didn't like it. But it had to be done, I had to get Anna away from the panic attack. I know it's not Thomas's fault; he was just mad for Anna. But he went too far this time.

I looked back down at Anna and led her to her the kitchen table. I had to be gentle; she was still on edge. I knew all about this, when I had panic attacks, even the slightest sound and I would freak out. I don't know what will make Anna tip, so I have to be careful.

"Hey Anna, it's okay. You're okay, trust me." I said as I wiped tears from her eyes. She looked up at me and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"I'm sorry, I didn't meant to act so scared! I don't know w-what happened! H-he just reminded me of Ja-James for a second... I hated it" Anna cried into my chest as she sat at the table. I stood next to her and patted her hair, trying to comfort her. Poor girl, she didn't deserve this. But, this was partially my fault. I remember John had told me that day, when he was watching over Anna. He told me how Anna told him about James, told him about how Anna was still scared of James. It was my fault for forgetting and not telling Thomas.

"Anna, Anna shhh. It's okay. You're safe. Here, let me get you some water." I said as I gently took her hands off me. I walked to the kitchen and filled a glass with water, still able to hear her hitching breaths. I brought the cup of water back to Anna and let her drink. She took a couple of sips before placing it back on the table. I smiled and rubbed her back.

"Better?" I asked. I watched her breaths, still shallow. She nodded.

"Wanna bring you're brother back in?" I said crossing my arms. She nodded hesitantly. I walked to the door and opened it, spotting Thomas outside. He was on the ground, slicked against the wall with his head in his hands. He looked up at me with red eyes; he had been crying. I frowned and walked over to him. I crouched down and put my hand on his face.
"Hey now. It's okay, she's okay now. You should come inside." I said gently, pulling him up by his hand. He sighed shakily and rubbed his eyes.

"O-okay." Thomas said as he bit his lip.


Thomas hesitantly pushed the door to the apartment open, holding his breath as he stepped inside. He felt a warm hand on his back, pushing him slightly forward. Alex smiled behind him.

"You got this, it's just Anna. Just...be carefully. She could break at any moment." Alex said. Thomas nodded as he made his way into the kitchen and spotted Anna at the table. He walked around and sat across from Anna. Anna looked up and jerked her arm, spilling the cup of water. Her eyes widened as she looked at the mess.

"O-oh my god, I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry oh god oh god..." Anna trailed off. Alex immediately rushed to her side; this was it. Her breaking point was this. If she made a mistake now, she'd go into a panic attack. Alex noticed how Anna started hyperventilating and holding her arms. Oh no. He had to calm her down. He grabbed the roll of  tissues and practically wiped the water away.

"Anna! Anna Anna anna, look at me. It's ok. It is okay. You're gonna be fine. Thomas is here. You're brother, he's here." Alex said slowly, taking Anna hands in his. She looked up at Thomas as her shoulders slowly relaxed.

"Thomas? Oh my lord, Tommy!" Anna cried as she got up from her chair and ran to Thomas. Thomas stood up right as she rammed into him. Thomas wrapped his hands around Anna's strong frame, hugging her close. He felt hot tears well up in his eyes.

"Anna, I am so, so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you at all. I feel horrible, sis. I'm really, really sorry. I don't want to put you through that ever again." Thomas spoke against her hair. She sighed and hugged me back.

"It's ok. It wasn't your fault; it's his. Don't worry, I hate him as much as you do. But, please promise me one thing Tommy." Anna whispered as stood back and looked at Thomas.

"Of course! Anything!"

"Promise me... that we'll never have to see James again. Ever. I never wanna see him again. Tommy, please don't make me meet him in jail, I really don't-" Anna said, holding back a cry. Thomas instinctively pulled her into an embrace, squeezing her tight.

"Never. We will never see him. No one will make you see him. You're safe, Anna. You're safe with me and Alex." Thomas cooed. Anna smiled into his chest as he whole body and mind relaxed.

Alex watched from behind as a smile grew on his face. He did it. Anna was far from having a panic attack anytime soon. And Thomas and Anna were okay. That's really all that mattered to Alex; they were his only family. Family. What was family? To Alex, it was Thomas and Anna. But he felt something was missing. A feeling. An ownership. A responsibility. What was it? A label? Something to be proud of? Something to protect?

Alex knew what he wanted. He knew what they all needed. He walked up to the siblings and smiled as Anna hugged Alex tightly.

"Thank you Alex." Anna smiled.

"Yeah, thanks a lot babe. I don't know what we'd do without you." Thomas smiled with an embarrassed laugh. Alex laughed and pulled them all into a hug. He felt warm inside. He looked around at his family once more. He felt his heart open, engulf new feelings and new wants and new weaknesses. He knew the feeling that he had earlier, he knew what his husband and him needed, he knew what Anna needed.

He knew what it was. He took a deep breathe. Two months, 74 days, and 18 minutes was enough time, Alex decided.


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