Seven Years Later - 71

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                                                                                 Seven Years Later


Alex, who was now 28, was driving the car, in which the 11 year old Philip was singing loudly to the radio, Thomas in the front seat singing along, and Alex smiling widely. It was Philip's first day of FIFTH GRADE!

"Papaaaa, Daaaaad!!!! I'm so excited! Can you believe I'm going to frickin' fifth grade?! Ahhhh I'm so excited!! I wonder who's gonna be in my class? What will they think of me having two dad's? Eh, I don't care, haha. I can't wait I can't wait I cannot wait ahhhhh! Oh, I hope George is in my class, I can't wait to meet my teacher and-" Philip ranted on and on, jumping is his seat. Thomas, who is now 29 (which is still young mind you) turned around to face Philip.

"George? As in George Eacker?" Thomas asked with a knowing grin. Alex oohed.

"Ooooh, does Philip have a crush?" Alex teased, pulling into the parking lot of the school. Philip turned red and grabbed his backpack.

"N-No! Of course not! He's my b-best friend, ok so shut up you two." Philip laughed. Thomas and Alex laughed along, waving as Philip left the car. 

"Have a great day, darlin'!" Thomas called, receiving a warm smile from Philip. Alex drove out of the parking lot, heading down the road.

"Gosh, Thomas. I can't believe it's his first day of fifth grade. He's growing up so fast!" Alex laughed airily. Thomas chuckled and rubbed Alex's back as he drove. 

"I know, baby. I still can't get over the fact that Anna and John are getting married! Who would've guessed!" Thomas said with a smile. Alex laughed at the thought. It was true; Anna was now 22, and John was 27. In all honesty, he still acted like he was 17, but that was just his nature. Anna, however, was a strong woman, and was a teacher. She and John were still best friends, the best kind of relationship to get married. 

Alec felt a cold feeling in his stomach as he parked in their driveway. It was a feeling he hadn't felt in almost seven years. A voice rang through his head.

Am I running out of time?

Alex faced Thomas, a look of worry painted across his features. "Babe?" 

Thomas turned to face Alex, his smile slowly dropping. 

"Yeah? What happened? You look like you've seen a ghost!" Thomas exclaimed, placing a soft hand on the side of Alex's face. 

What if this story is my legacy?

"Thomas, I just need you to know something. I love you so much. Like, so so so much. God, you mean everything to me Thomas, I-"

"Hey, hey, hey! Alex, calm down baby, what happened?" Thomas said, now fully concerned. He carried the smaller man (much smaller lol) into their house and placed him in his lap as they both sat on the couch. Thomas looked Alex in the eyes.

"I love you too, Alex. I will never stop loving you, you know that right?" Thomas asked softly. Alex bit his lip and wrapped his arms around Thomas's neck, digging his stare deeper.

"Yes I know, but I need to tell you something! Thomas, please just listen!" Alex was now tearing up. "You need to know that I love you! I LOVE YOU. Thomas, I-I wouldn't be here without you! Fucking- IF IT WASN'T FOR YOU, I WOULD STILL BE TAKING THOSE GODDAMN PILLS. Thomas, I don't know what's happening, I'm sorry, I just- I love you Thomas. Jesus, why am I such a- am I really cured?"

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7-

Thomas pulled Alex close to his chest in an attempt to cease his ranting and sobbing. He cooed softly, petting Alex's hair. Now Thomas was really worried. The last time Alex acted up like this was about... seven years ago. (hint hint)

"Alexander, look at me." Thomas whispered, tilting Alex's shaking head up. "You, we are fine. Nothing is going wrong. I love you so much, alright? Please don't doubt that. And please forget about the pills, thinking about that is not good for you. You're fine, nothing is happening. You're safe, okay?" Thomas gave Alex the endless stream of sweetness to comfort him. He didn't want anything bad to happen. Not the day before his sisters wedding. They most certainly did not want to end up in the hospital.

Alex hugged Thomas tighter, his eyes full to the brim with tears.

I'll see you on the other side.

"Can..will... You won't leave me, right? I... I don't know why but I had this strange feeling that something bad is gonna happen. I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry-" Alex shivered. Thomas's eyes widened. He hugged Alex even tighter, pressing his lips into a thin line. "Never. Never in a million years. I can't live without you. I really do love you, please don't doubt yourself, my love. Why are you thinking like this all of a sudden, Alex? What happened?" Thomas asked, holding Alex's shaking frame.

Raise a glass to our family. Raise a glass to no more pills.

Alex didn't answer Thomas's question. He smiled sadly.

"And what if... What If I leave you? Will you be alright? You will be fine, right? T-Thomas? You'll be okay if I'm not around right?" Alex whimpered, his head starting to lean forward into Thomas chest. 

"Thomas, can we sleep?" Alex drawled out lazily. Thomas let Alex lay on top of him, and felt Alex fall asleep on his chest. But Thomas couldn't say anything. There was nothing to say. There was nothing he could say. He felt warm water dampen his face, but he still didn't, couldn't say anything. 

Did Thomas hear the voice in Alex's mind as he cried, trying to fall asleep peacefully with his husband? Or was he just as oblivious as the rest of you?

What if this sickness is my legacy? 


Time. They say time of the essence. What does that mean? Why do people say that? Just do it! Don't make phrases about it! And- wait what the hell? Since when does Herc wear belts? Aw, did we wear a belt just for my wedding? To look nice? Hah, imma tease him about that later. Where's Laf, I bet he looks gay as fuc- OH MY GOD JOHN'S COMING ACT NATURAL. FUUCK HE LOOKS HOT.

       Anna was standing in her white wedding dress, in front of her friends and family. The familiar tune of the wedding song spiraled in her ears as she talked to hear self, the priest boring her. Sh was snapped back to reality when she saw the tall man dressed in a slick tuxedo walk through the aisle. Anna restrained herself from whistling when she saw John; some "proper lady" she was. As John walked through the aisle, Anna noticed how red he was. He was hella nervous, and it was adorable. He walked past Thomas and Alex, who were sitting in the front row, Alex smacked his butt as he passed, and John sent back that love filled hating glare. Don't forget, Alex and John are best friends. Anna suppressed a squeal as John walked up to the platform she was on and stood across from her. John smiled widely and whispered;

"Hi. How's it goin?" he whispered with that goofy smile. Anna giggled softly, completely ignoring the priest. Right now it was just John and her, it this amazing moment. 

This amazing moment.

This amazing moment.

This moment was amazing.

This was an amazing moment.

But... for how long?



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