Laf and Herc; babysitters (part 1) - 54

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Hope u guys like this update lol

"Aleeeeeex, do you have to go?" Thomas whined as he sat with folded legs on his bed, an abundance of tissues and cough drop wrappers littered around him. Alex sighed and walked over to him, gently straddling his fatigue-ridden body.

"Babe, you know I have to. Washington's gonna be pissed if at least one of us don't show up." Alex said, gently petting Thomas's head. Thomas whined and pulled Alex closer, resting his head on Alex's stomach.

"Please stay~" Thomas said in a voice that made Alex's knees buckle. Alex chuckled softly and climbed onto his lap, cupping Thomas's cheek with his hands.

"Baby, I don't have a choice. Someone had to work today. I'll try to come home for lunch, okay?" Alex cooed. He did his best not to smirk; Thomas was acting like a baby.

"But Lexi!" Thomas cried, pouting. This is what a high temperature and a fever did to him.
"I'll get lonely! I'm gonna miss you! Ughhhh-" Thomas groaned, pulling Alex closer and hugged my his waist, lazily placing his head in the nook of Alex's neck. Alex chuckled softly at the tall man's softness and he raised slightly on his knees, placing his hands on either side of his face. He stared down into his eyes.

"My my, so needy~" Alex joked.

"Only for you." Thomas said, playing along.

"Almost makes me wanna stay home-" Alex growled as he brought his face closer to Thomas's for a kiss.

    If you couldn't guess yet, Thomas was sick. And that was an understatement. But a sick Thomas meant he can't go to work, and Philip and Anna can't stay with him, cause they'll get sick. The only option left was to find someone to take care of them. They couldn't afford to get Philip sick, they had just adopted him a month ago. Mrs. Soo would not be happy about that.
Before Thomas could respond, Philip came running though the door.

"Daddy! I have a new friend named Theod- umm... Papa? Why are you on top of Daddy?"

Alex and Thomas didn't move from their position, they just stared at Pip; frozen.

"Pip, Pip where are you? Ah, there you are! Hey what are you- OH OKAY NOPE COME ON LITTLE BUDDY LETS GO-" Anna said abruptly as she stumbled into the room, looking for Philip. Upon seeing Alex and Thomas, she picked up Philip and fled the room in one quick motion. Alex looked back to Thomas and blushed before getting off.

"Again, I really wish I could stay. But this meeting-"

"I understand. Just... who's gonna take care of Anna and Pip? They can't stay her; they'll get sick. Anna peeped her head through the door.

"Are you guys done already?" She asked, squinting. Alex rolled his eyes in response.

"Yes yes, we're done. Come in."  (THIS LINE MAKES ME SQUIRM IDK WHY)

Anna smirked and walked in, Philip trailing close behind. She sat next to Thomas, who quickly pushed her away.

"No, I don't wanna get you sick, Ann." He said sadly. Anna frowned and picked up Philip before facing Alex once more.

"So if he's sick, and you're going to work, we need a person to take care of us, right?" She asked. Alex nodded, crossing his arms. A smile grew on Anna's face.

"Well you know, John is technically an adult and technically he can drive, so-"

"NO. NOT JOHN." Thomas yelled. Everyone whipped around to face Thomas with cocked eyebrows. He shrunk back but kept his frown.

"Not John. He's not responsible enough, and I don't want you too to do anything weird." Thomas stated. Anna laughed.

"Says the guy that had a man sitting on his lap a minute ago." Thomas turned bright red and hid under the covers with a mumbled groan. Alex giggled and slapped his forehead.

"Ok, well we have one more option."

"What is it?"
(I am so sorry)

Lafayette giggled as Herc hovered over him, casting a shadow over him. Hercules smirked at the smaller man as he climbed over him.

"Vous êtes tellement amusant" Laf whispered, trying to keep his back from arching as Herc's hands roamed his body. Herc smiled and pressed a kiss to his neck.

"You're so easy~"

They were a mess; both men's hair was ruffled, their shirts thrown off to the side. Bad timing.

Knock knock knock

The two 23 year old shot straight up, looking at each other in worry.

"En haut, En haut, En haut!" Laf whispered as they both scrambled up, trying to fix theirselves before running to he door sloppily opening it.

"Laf, Herc! Can you guys- oh my god." Alex said as he slapped his forehead. Laf turned bright red and Herc laughed nervously, realizing that Anna and Philip were behind him.

"H-hey Alex, u-uh we weren't, we were just-" Herc was interrupted when Alex raised his hand.

"No, no I don't wanna know. Ugh, just listen." Alex said rubbing his temple. By now, Laf and Herc had gotten their shirts on, and let everyone inside. Anna walked in and punched Lafayette's arm with a smirk. He just blushed and groaned to himself, still trying to fix his disheveled hair.

Alex looked at his watch once more before picking up his briefcase and inhaling deeply.

"Look, guys. I need you two to babysit Anna and Pip. I have work and Thomas is hella sick. You guys up for it? Please?" Alex asked, inching closer to the door. Laf smiled and Herc stood up.

"Of course, bro. Anything for you, Alex. Now go, we got this. Herc said and pushed Alex out the door. Alex sighed in relief.

"Thanks guys! Bye Anna! BYE SONNN-" alex called in a singsong voice that always made Philip laugh. Herc closes the door and turned to face them.

He smiled and cracked his knuckles. "This is gon be awesome."

Fucking trash. That's all I can say.

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