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I was a regular teenager Mom died when i was 9 and Dad never cared what I did. I was the middle child following in the foot steps of my older brother and Dad knew I was heading no where with my life. All my dad cared about was taking care of my little sister who was 10 now and I was 16. I went to high school every now and then and smoked when i had gotton the chance. I wasn't very punk i mean i didn't fit into any category I've dyed my hair too many times to count loved my flannels and held on to the ripped style of jeans. I mean now i was your classic dyed red hair skinny little chick and people disgusted me. I knew litterally everyone but only hung out with a certain few. My best friend's name was Mike Pritchard but we just called him Mike Dirnt because dirnt was the only noises he liked making in class. My name is Victoria Bain and i'm your average soon to be high school drop.

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