where did you go

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The next morning I woke up with Mike laying right next to me I turned around and faced the wall thinking about anything and everything. I sat up and held my legs to my chest and suddenly Mike woke up too he looked up and smiled but I just didn't have the strength to smile back and I started talking with him Like the night before but this time, this time was different. "Mike how'd you knwo I was at your house?" He soon sat up and looked down at his lap breathing h your jacketeavy for a minute and looked me in the eye. "After we all  came back i nooticed the note I decided to head on over because you had forgotton your jacket. as I went over there and i noticed your sister laughing but I could tell it was at me I had no idea why. So I went up to the door and knocked on it a couple of times, and finally your sister came over to me and let me in I noticed your dad passed out on the floor with urine smelling sheets next to him and I headed upstairs seeing shattered glass on the floor went up to your bedroom  knocked on your door a couple of times and said your name no answer, so I ran out as fast as I could I went to my house thinking maybe you were there or my mom would know what to do and that's how I ended up here." I sort of looked at him and began to talk. "Mike I need to leave the east bay I can't stand it here anymore I just need out I have nowhere to go anymoore I might as well talk to my aunt about moving in I just, I'm truly lost." I began to cry again and we sat in silence soon enough he took me to the phone and I was already arranged to live with my aunt she couldn't seem happier. After about a week of living off of Mike I moved in With Billie and them and somehow I would find a way to leave the east bay.

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