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When we got to my house I grabbed my guitar my dad wasn't even there to yell at me. "Mike lets just go to Tre's and practice there I just don't want to be at home right now." Mike could tell how hurt I looked just being there and we left. As we walked to the bus all I could hear was Mike going dirnt dirnt all the way there I laughed a little and Mike smiled at me. "So Victoria you think we can go big some time maybe tour the world?" "I'm not sure Mike but whatever happens happens I mean as long as I'm moved out of that damn house by then." Mike hugged me and spoke softly into my ear. "Don't worry you will just trust me." I knew I could trust Mike I mean if I didn't trust him I don't think we would ever be friends. We walked to the bus stop and waited there for what seemed like forever. when we got on the bus there was Billie sitting in the back of the bus alone with his guitar. I headed back there and sat next to him. "Billie what are you doing?" "You see cuz I went to buy this guitar really nice shape and everything and I decided lets see how this baby sounds at Tre's so I'm heading over there I'm guessing that's where you're going." "yeah, actually I hope we can all go and get some compromising done." Mike laughed he knew that'd be the hardest part. When we got there we walked the rest of the way and there I saw Tre' waiting there for us with a plate of cookies and he winked. "My special recipe guys." Billie laughed and took one and we headed to the basement to begin practice.

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