Concert night

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We went to get breakfast at good old McDonalds and sat there and talked for a while after we ate. "So where's this Operation Ivy concert at?" Mike asked excitedly. "At this small club at Gilman I hope you know I was kidding when I said I'd pay it's free." I laughed and Mike looked at me confused. "I really need to go there more." I patted him on the back. "Yeah you do." We left and headed over to Billie's house, he already seemed excited about the concert but we still had the whole day to go until it started. Billie practiced guitar and we sat watching him and talking. I soon got up and made popcorn and brought it back and eventually Mike started throwing pieces at me. "Boooooo booo." Mike was giving the thumbs down and I threw more of it at him. 'So guys stop making a mess so I was thinking of bringing Tre' along he's been sort of sad lately I think this would cheer him up." I threw a last piece at Mike and we both nodded. 

Later that night Billie's older brother took us to pick up Tre' and we all looked more punked out then usual and Tre' sat there quiet more quiet than usual. I looked at him and put my arm around him. "Tre' we'll have fun don't worry." He gave me one of his goofy smirks and soon enough we were there. The air smelled crude with teenage angst and I could feel this was right. Once it began everyone was jumping around screaming crying with joy. Tre' looked happier and Mike looked shocked. Billie ended up talking to too many girls and I just enjoyed it all like I've lived in that moment my whole life. After the concert we were all hyped up and walked down to the place downtown near the train tracks where all the junkies and punks hung out. We sat around the bon fire talking and having an amazing time and soon Tre' was getting to be his regular self again I was happy. Happy that for one night for whatever was bother him he could feel happy. After it got way to late out we walked ourselves back to Billie's place. Once we got there I took Tre' outside and sat on the front porch bench talking to him. He told me that made his night spending it with me I smiled and right before we went inside we hugged for what seemed like forever and went in. I saw Billie laying on the floor watching an old black and white movie and I lay on his back feeling better than ever. I knew my luck was barely getting better.

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