almost time

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I fell asleep on the floor and woke up at three in the morning dreading school later. I couldn't sleep so I decided to get dressed and ready for school. I put on some black pants which were ripped in the knees and a black kiss shirt and did my make-up. I took my house key and a couple of bucks to head to the 7-11 to get some breakfast. I got a hot pocket and a coffee and left. It was now about 4 a.m so I decided to smoke before school it helped me forget about my dad and most of my worries. I headed to the freeway underpass because that's where most of the burnouts hung out at. No one was there this early so I sat alone finishing my hot pocket. I sat there smoking for about an hour until everyone showed up I knew who most of them were and they could tell how messed I was after an hour of smoking. My mind wasn't fully there and I thought it was still pretty early and just sat there slowly sipping my coffee which I didn't noticed had been gone for the past 10 minutes. I decided to go wake up Mike before school and I just couldn't stop laughing once I got there. I knocked on the door and his mom answered she was still in the middle of getting ready for work and invited me in for coffee I didn't want any and she left the room. I was curious to see if Mike was still asleep and I walked into his bedroom. "Mikeeeeeeeeeeeeey" I said it loudly and all he did was grumble. I  rolled on top of him and laid against the wall and he still wouldn't get up. "Mike Mike Mike wake up please." He just grumbled and I got under the covers and pushed him out and he landed on the floor. "What do you want Victoria?" "I just want my mikey to wake up." He gave me a strange look. "I can tell you're high in your voice I don't know why but its funny when you're not the other one high too." I started laughing and Mike threw his shirt at me and went to the bathroom to change. When he came back he noticed his mom was gone and lit up a cigarette in his room. "She never lets me do this when she's here so why did you come this early we usually meet later to walk." I was still pretty out of it. "My dad doesn't care Yesterday morning.... well night night we yelled at each other." Mike was laughing about how stupid I sounded when I was high and I felt myself turn red. "Well it's almost time so lets go to school." So we left.

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