on our way to Billie's

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 It was a regular Monday morning in the greatest of all places California. I decided not to go to school and ditch with Mike. I had a new idea of a place we could go to get high. We walked to the 7-11 to use a pay phone I called up my cousin Billie which is someone Mike has never met before and we made plans to go over to his house. Me and Mike walked back to his place to grab some things a pipe, a couple ciggs, two lighters, and twenty dollars, and a small stash. We took the bus over to Billie's place which took half an hour which me and Mike spent the time talking. "So this cousin of yours he's all cool with this he wont rat us out or anything too shady right?" Mike sounded tense to tense so I rubbed his shoulders. "It'll be fine he doesn't even go to the same school as us and i've been to his place tons of times don't worry you guys will bond great." When we got to our stop we walked the rest of the way and met Billie where he was sitting on his front porch playing one of his Fenders. "Dude that's a 1970 Fender!" Mike looked way too excited but i was happy they had one thing in common. "Dude stop staring at her and freaking out it's my older brothers so don't even think of playing it." Billie looked aggravated, but I knew it was only because of his ex dumping him hard. Billie waved us in and put his brothers guitar back. "Mike I want you to sit on the couch and stay quiet my other brother didn't head into work this morning because of a huge hangover he'll be pissed if he knows i didn't go to school again. Victoria and I well she needs to help me find some things and we'll be on our way." Mike sat there looking irritated and me and Billie closed the door to his room and talked. "That Mike dude doesn't seem edgy enough for me he's pretty much a newbe." Billie talked while rummaging through different drawers. "Well he's been my best friend since Junior High he just gets severe anxiety over new things i'm just trying to help him try a lot of more things i'm slowing breaking him out of his shell. He's like my cute little tough duck." I grabbed some of the snacks from under Billie's bed and he responded. "That's cute, my tough little punk cuz has a soft side." He high-fived me and grabbed two packs of cigarettes another pipe ten dollars and a bigger stash and shoved it in Mikes' bag which i had brought in with us. 

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