our travels

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The days passed by quick and I knew my years might have the same fate. I was worried about the Arizona shows I mean maybe I wasn't good enough to be in a band and have this crazy dream of being big one day but hell was I going to try my best this is the life I knew I wanted. I felt sicker and sicker as we headed to Arizona but I was going to stick it out. We made it into Arizona after about four hours of being bored to death. Our shows went amazing and tons of people showed up we had about one more day in Arizona before heading somewhere else. We would travel to most states we needed our name out there and that's exactly what we did as a small little band trying to get onto a record label. Our travels would take us to amazing places and one of our stops next would be in Minnesota where Billies travels would find him fate. I would say it's fate maybe it's Green Days fault but our second night in Minnesota Billie met someone, someone who would mean so much to him it changed him in a way I couldn't explain but  Adrienne and him had something amazing and Billie was in Love my cousin had something going for him and i knew that Minnesota wouldn't be too far away. About 6 months of playing shows we came home and took a break for two months and soon we would only be playing shows for three months until the best deal brought us back into the bay. We would be recording our first record two months after we got off of touring the states. Once we would finish the album we would promote it even out of country though we wouldn't see those places for another 3 to 5 years we would spend a good time heading to bigger shows. All we had to worry about now was a title, album art, and which of Billies songs he would like to place on there it would be a challenge but well worth it. Our First album we knew would be tough but it was for sure coming out in 1990.

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