a calm afternoon

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After a couple of hours of smoking we realized how good of an idea that would be to start a band so we began thinking of band names. "THE FUCKERS! THE STONERS!" Tre' blurted these out as Billie began writing. Mike laid back down on the mattress lighting up a cigarette and began to speak between each drag. "Why don't we call ourselves something no one will ever think of like The Irritated, or the broken?" Again Billie kept on writing and gave his suggestions. "Why not The trash or The crude kids." That gave me an idea and i blurted out a name I never thought the boys would take serious. "SWEET CHILDREN!" I turned red as Billie gave me a serious look. "I like it but it doesn't seem hardcore enough we'll keep it in consideration." Tre' began laughing and went upstairs. I laid down on the mattress next to Mike closing my eyes feeling like a complete idiot. Mike put his cigarette in the ash tray and put his arms around me and I buried my face in his chest. I could feel my cousins words repeat over and over in my mind while I heard the annoying sound of Tre' crunching on lettuce. I knew all I wanted to do was smoke a cigg and go back to Mike's place. I decided to take action and figure out how to deal with Tre' and his rambunctious attitude.

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