getting help

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When I got to mike's house his mom happened to open the door. She looked at me worried and invited me in. I had forgotton all about my leg and she noticed gasping. I began to cry again and excused myself to the bathroom. I changed into some short so I could better look at my leg through my blood soaked pants. I started crying even more looking at my bare leg. I sat on top of the toilet seat picking the glass out best I could and when I couldn't i walked out and sat down on a chair next to his mom. I just sat there in silence because I didn't feel like discussing it. After about 30 minutes of getting up and down his mom brought back two coffee's but I wasn't in the mood. Soon enough Mike came through the front door he ran over to me and hugged the hell out of me and pulled a chair right next to me. I couldn't help but begin to cry again, damn how I hated to cry like that. My leg began to bleed again and his mom took me to the bathroom to help me clean it and wrap it up Mike just stayed in his chair not saying a word. I still wasn't sure how he found out I was here I didn't hear his mom call anyone and I hadn't told anyone at all. His mom gave tthe idea of takking me to a hospital I didn't feel like fighting against it and got in the car, and Mike came along too. I sat in the back I just wasn't feeling like taking the front seat and Mike sat right next to me. He ended up holdin my hand and I was okay with it I didn't feel much like telling him it was wrong or anything and just let it be. When we got there I got in right away with a doctor. That place was depressing as hell and I just wanted to get out of there. I ended up getting a shot and all i didn't need stiches they just pulled litItle bits of glass out and wrapped my leg up again I was fine to go.  I was glad they hadn't asked questions about it I probably would have been rude about it or something. On the way back Mike sat in the front this time and I stayed in the back. Mike's mom was very generous and invited me to stay the night. Me and Mike went to his room we just sat on his bed and talked as it began to rain outside. We didn't talk at all about what happened and I hadn't cried again I was just tired as hell. I ended up laying on his bed and he kissed my forehead lightly and sat next to until I was asleep i was positive as hell I wasn't ever going back to my dad's house for all I cared that bastard could burn in hell he did a hell of job trying to be a dad but ended up shitting one of his kids down the drain thanks for nothing dad.

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