the damage is done

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When we got to Tre's place he knocked on the door. "Open up! MOTHERFUCKER IT'S THE POLICE!" A little boy about five answered the door sniffling and coughing and laughed through a voice full of snot. "Guys and Victoria this is my little cousin Jonathon he's sick I just need to grab some money and we'll be out of here." Tre' began singing some rap songs while he ran upstairs. We all sat on the couch and Jonathon sat in between me and Mike. Jonathon tapped me on the arm. "Hi what's your name?" His voice full of snot disgusted me. "I'm Victoria." "Are you Tre's friend?" "I'm actually his friends cousin." Jonathon stay quiet for a minute and began talking. "Well you're very pretty Victoria." I thanked him and he ran upstairs to look for Tre' and suddenly there was a loud crash and lots of cussing. He hopped on one foot down the stairs still cussing and Mike and Billie just stared as he stopped at the bottom. I saw that his foot was bleeding and went over to help him into the bathroom and Tre' started rapping again. I took off his sock and grabbed a wet towel to clean up the blood. "What happened?" Tre' looked confused like I just asked if he was pregnant. "My little cousin comes in and climbs on my dresser I'm like okay cool and i hear a crash and my lamps falls and the shade breaks so i'm cussing and walking over to help him down so he can get out and i step on the glass lamp shade that broke." I looked under the bathroom sink to find alcohol  and put some of it on the towel to clean his foot and suddenly he screamed. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU PUT ON MY FUCKING FOOT?" "Shh alcohol now stop being a baby now do you have bandage wrap?" "Yeah go up stairs and the second door on your right there should be at the top of the closet." I called Mike in to keep the towel pressure on his foot and went upstairs to look for it in the closet. When i found it i ran downstairs and wrapped his foot up and suddenly he smelled his foot I looked disgusted and we all headed to Tre's basement instead and locked it.

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