going deep

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The next morning I was tired as hell but got dressed quickly to go to Mike's house to bring his bass over. My dad was working and I well I saw my sister standing in the front door way stopping me. "Where do you think you're going?" I rolled my eyes and moved her to the side of me and left quickly and she yelled out after me. "You better find some luck because you're gonna get it when dad comes home." I just washed her words out of my mind and kept on walking. When I got there his mom answered and told me to sit down and I waited there scared out of my mind. "Mike is sleeping but if you'd like you can wake him up he was working all night." I went to his room it seemed quiet so I took his bass and set it along the wall and sat at the end of his bed. "Mike" I said softly and shook him he groaned quietly and waved his arm at me. I rolled my eyes and told him my sister broke his bass and he popped up out of bed and saw it laying against the wall. "Don't scared me like that!"

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