leaving California

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We went to Vegas nowhere big because that was one thing we weren't was big. I had a blast just sitting back and practicing that guitar in the back of the mobile. Tre' sat there for about 3 seconds next to me but decided to sleep on top of my lap while I practiced. How I hated when Tre' slept on me it made my legs stiff from staying still the whole time. Billie sat across from me and laid down talking to me. "So so so cuz any boyfriends since we've been to our shows?" I shook my head no, damn how I wish I had a guy to call mine but that seemed like the farthest thing in my mind right now. We did about two shows in Vegas and walked down the streets and went to see a really good movie. We had about two more days before heading to Arizona and we were going to have the time of our lives in vegas before leaving. We booked a couple of rooms in a small motel to stay for the nights. Me and Tre' stood by the railing on the second floor of the motel while we just talked. Tre' stood there lighting up a cigarette and I looked down thinking about how fast the year had been going by. "tSo Victoria ya glad to be In Green Day?" Yes Green Day was the name we chose it was official on the day of my birthday when Tre' had decided to buy me a pot plant. "Yeah, it's better then staying in the bay or better yet living with a piece of shit." I still had rage against my dad he ruined my life and better yet my sisters childhood which he ruined. 'Hey hey" tre' put his arm around me and I scooted away. ''Don't call him that it's not worth it anymore, he tried his best he just couldn't handle it." I began to cry once damn how I hated doing that being sad when I knew others had it worse but I knew our music was something that made others happy even if not many people heard it these people did and they go them excited. "He had been taking care of  us for a long time and he couldn't handle me that's why he snapped I fucked up and he knew that he knew I was fucking up i tried my best to be perfect for him hiding the bad things I did so he never had to worry only worry about my sister who had more of a life ahead of her than me." I started crying more  and Tre' held me in his arms. We ended up kissing which was enough to take my mind off of things. 'Hey I have an idea Tre' smiled and headed into Billie's room." We walked over to where he was sleeping and Tre' started opening something. "WAKE UP YOU SONUVABITCH" Billie practically fell out of bed and Tre' smacked him with a condom. I started laughing my head off enough for Billie to stand up and practically body slam me on the bed, but I kept on laughing.

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