walk away

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I started grabbing my things and giving Billie his things I was angry that he got to stay and we didn't. Me and Mike ended walking out and taking the bus back to his place I was too quiet even for myself. When we got there it was about 3 in the afternoon and Mike's mom happened to be there she seemed glad I was there since he was always going to my house. I sat on the floor in Mike's room and he picked up his bass and sat on the bed playing some songs from a few van halen songs to some ramones songs I could easily recognize them. "Mike Teach me how to play bass." He looked at me like I had just told him i was a ghost walking amongst the living. "Um I could try I've never taught anyone before come here and sit by me and I'll show you some basics." He handed me over his child he'd name Maurice which I thought was the ugliest name for a bass and he began showing me a few things. About two hours of helping me with bass I knew some Who songs. It was almost 5 o'clock and I knew if I didn't get home by sun down my dad would think I was dead or face down in the gutter some where so I kissed Mike on the cheek and left not saying a word. 

When I got home I noticed my dad watching something on TV. I tried walking by him silently but he spoke in a calm tone trying not to yell. "Where were you all day? You weren't at school and you weren't here." All that mattered to him is that I showed up at school but he didn't care where I was he never cared I was only another screw up in his eyes. I stayed quiet and that only got him more mad and he spoke a little louder. "Where were you Victoria?" I looked down and looked him in the eyes and spoke quietly just like he started off with. "Bull shit." He took off his glasses and spoke once again that man can never take a hint. "Excuse me? Now where were you, you little shit?" "It's really funny." I pretended to laugh like it was a really bad joke. "I wasn't at school and I wasn't at home but Dad does that even matter to you or is this whole conversation a whole waste of time just so if people ask you if you care about your children you can have an excuse? Now I wonder where the fuck was I all day?" "You little shit when I ask you a straight up fucking question you better answer it!" He yelled this time but I knew he wasn't at his worst. "Maybe when you become a Dad and fucking give a shit about all three of your kids you'll care where I was today maybe if you take your attention off of one little bitch of a child I'll feel like telling about my life but I'm not that important I never even was I hope you drop dead old man." I ran to my room and slammed the door I sat against it crying my eyes out wishing someone would actually care but who would my dad is too focused on my sister my brother is reliant on drugs Billie only gives two shits about Tre' and Mike I would never cross his mind ever. I started packing a bag I knew I never wanted to spend another night in my room again but I had no idea where I would go my only option would be to walk away from it all but I wasn't ready. I had to rely on my dad for everything and it needed to come to an end.

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