just try

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After finding the right rhythm between all three of us we had to make choices. "We need a bass and lyrics to go with our sound. I may have some work at home for that." Billie sounded like this was something he knew he was going to love for the rest of his life. "I might go to school with Mike tomorrow and that night we can come over and practice or afternoon whatever feels right his mom just really wants him to try and finish school and I wanna help motivate him." I turned red noticing how nerdy I sounded. "Victoria do you like Mike?" Tre' wasn't joking and i turned red as if he knew my secret. "As a friend yeah he's my best friend why wouldn't I like him?" "Well that's not what I meant but I can tell you like him. Next time I see him I'll make sure to tell him." "Please Tre' please don't I don't want anything to change." "Then why like him I'm telling him because you can't grow some balls and man up." I noticed Tre' was right, but I still wasn't going to say anything. After practice and talking we went to get some food. After eating all Tre' and Billie did was talk and I was about falling asleep on them so I took the bus back home. When I got home my dad didn't say anything to me but my sister was a different story. "Where were you? Your dumb ass brother called." I rolled my eyes at 'daddy's little princess' and waited for her to continue talking. "Well he's in jail Daddy thought you would probably do something stupid and end up with him. Here's the number just ask for Mark Bain." "I know my own brothers name I wasn't born stupid." "Well you sure act like it I mean those drugs probably fry your brain who know's what you remember." "You don't even know what drugs I take so you can shut your pretty little shit hole." "By the looks of that fucked up face of yours you've been doing some pretty hardcore drugs." I tackled her to the ground and held her there speaking into her ear. "Listen you little bitch next time you use language like that I'll make sure you get caught or punished, and I swear on my life next time you want to talk about my ugly ass face I'll make sure you have one to match mine." She started crying and I got up off of her my dad came running into the hallway. "What the hell are you doing to your little sister?!" My dad picked me up by the back of my collar and I stood up. "I was showing her how to respect her older sister and use better language." "No Daddy she was holding me to the ground and cussing at me." My dad started shaking his finger and yelling in my face. "If you ever and I mean ever hurt your little sister again I will knock you senseless" I mocked him as he spoke and he slapped me across the mouth. Everything went quiet and I walked away. 

The next morning I took that number and walked to the nearest payphone to call my brother, but he was already out on bond. I went to school and met up with Mike and told him our band plans he seemed content with it and I invited him over so we could practice at my house before practicing with Billie or Tre'. School dragged on and was never ending like always but me and Mike managed to ditch our last period of the day. We went to his place which was empty. It felt weird. He grabbed his bass and we walked to my house. "Maybe if I actually come home for once everyone could stop bitching at what I do." "Hey hey hey some people have it worse Victoria so just be glad you have a roof over your head." "Anyone could switch with me. I go to bed every night no matter where I am having that nightmare about my mom. I also wake up wondering who cares about me why should it matter if I miss school no one cares no one ever has as much as my mom. She cared more than anyone ever has and now I feel like I shouldn't live maybe oh maybe today if I die I'll know what it feels like to have someone care again." I started crying and Mike hugged me tightly. I knew a lot of people had it worse I just wish I could try and make their lives better, way batter than mine.

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