building a friendship

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There was a mattress and a couch in the basement and I got stuck sitting on the mattress with Mike. Tre' got up and went to the bathroom in the basement he opened the shower curtain and behind it was a bong with a stash taped under it. I pulled Mike's and Billie's things out of the bag. I took Mike's pipe and put some weed in it, lit it, and smoked some. I passed it to Mike and Billie started lighting up. "You guys ever smoke a bong before?" Mike inhaled and then answered. "Yeah but i've only seen Victoria once she told me she wasn't very into it. Tre' shook his head and took a hit. Mike passed back to me. "So Victoria you and Mike a thing or what?" I answered laughing. "Nope just best friends hey Tre' those drums over there are rad as hell." "Thanks got them at a yard sale babe." He started laughing and so did I and I passed the pipe back to Mike. "So Mike you liked my '70 fender earlier you play guitar?" A long stream of smoke cam out of Billie's mouth. "Yeah bass though." Mike passed the pipe back to me and I put some more in it. "Guys guys we should start a band that'd be so bad ass and we could smoke at every show." Tre' said this laughing really hard. "I wanna play that guitar that's all back up and stuff I forgot the name but you know what i'm talking about." "Yeah yeah cuz." Billie sounded like a hyper child who just had too many sweets. "Dude Billie should sing he's the hottest." Tre' tried winking but shut both eyes instead. I laughed really hard and fell off the mattress and hit my head but kept on laughing. I layed there and just looked at Tre' I knew we would all have an amazing friendship.

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