Time passes by

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I had only lived with Billie for about a month and soon enough we were practicing guitar everyday and slowly I would feel better about myself about my life. It never felt like home living there i could never feel comfortable as much as I used to but that was alright. Me and Billie never spent time at home either we would always bring Mike over and go to Tre's house and practice and I felt like we were getting better and better. About two months later I got a court notice. Billie's mom had finally gained custody of me to become my guardian, but this court notice was something way different, it concerned my sister. I called her from the nmber they provided and my dad had ended up beating her too apparently and now I was involved because of what had happened three months before. I asked my sister if our brother had called or sent a letter since and she said he hadn't he'd lost full contact with us and it hit me that our family was just falling apart worse and worse. About a week later I had gone to court and we found out my father had lost the battle between both of us. My aunt couldn't gain custody of my sisterand so she was sent to a foster facility and my dad sent to rehab. After the whole court thing setteled down I wouldn't leave the house for days Billie was worried he just kept telling the guys I had to take care of work or something had come up but they soon figured out was was going on. A month after that I started practicing with them again and we started booking shows around little joints in town we rented a van to carry equitment and soon enough Tre's dad had let us borrow the book mobile. Arount august I had just turned 17 and school was starting up again I went for about two weeks and dropped out I knew the musc life was more important to me then something I hardly cared for, school. Around december we booked our first show out of state and Tre's dad ended up driving us to most shows by now. This was becoming my life our life, the road and the boys we were our own family it seemed like and the adventure was just barely starting. To be continued...

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