having a try at it

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When we started practice we couldn't seem to get in tune together it was a mess. As soon as Billie started I followed him and Mike followed behind that and soon Tre' joined in, but it didn't seem to last long when Tre' started making dirty drummer jokes. I didn't feel like  laughing and popped a cigarette in to calm myself. Billie pulled it out and took a drag. "Hey man what are you doing?" "Chill out cuz I need one too just share." So I did. "Hey um guys I gotta go I have a job interview." Mike said this apprehensively and whispered into my ear. "You'll be okay take my bass home for me." He set it on the couch and headed upstairs. "Victoria why does your friend need a job?" Billie said this confused strumming at his guitar. "I have no idea." I was sort of worried why Mike think he needed or even wanted a job but maybe it was part of his process of growing up. Billie ended up taking me home when his brother came to pick him up I was too tired to give Mike his bass back and took it home with me. When I got there I noticed my dad sleeping and my sister in the kitchen giving me a dirty look I took the bass and shoved it at the top of my closet so no one would notice and went outside. I walked to 7-eleven to use the pay phone and called Mike. He wasn't there and his mom answered. "Just tell Mike I'll take his bass back tomorrow I'm just really tired." His mom was understandable. As I walked back to my house I decided to stop by this little pond by an old bar. I sat there looking at my reflection. I knew then I was going to make a change one day an impact with music I knew I would be there for others to give back to them I knew there'd be one special person out there I'd help that it'd mean a lot to them. After I tried skipping rocks I made it home at 2 in the morning my dad was awake and drinking so I locked the door to my bedroom and practiced guitar all through the night.

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