Is it true?

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I woke up next to my cousin I hadn't noticed how late it was when we fell asleep. I got up and made myself coffee. I noticed Billie's brother reading the paper and I sat in front of him. I waited for him to say something but all there was, was pure silence so I went back into Billie's room and practiced guitar I was curious to hear how good Tre' might be on drums. I started singing to what I was playing and suddenly Billie woke up and cussed at me for waking him up. "I'm going to Tre's house today you're coming with me you're bringing your guitar and I'm bringing mine we can live without bass." "Well Mike went to school plus he has work tonight." Billie laughed at me like he wasn't going to invite him anyway and I went to the bathroom to get ready. When I came out I gathered my things and Billie gathered his so we could go jam together. We walked to the bus stop to go to to Tre's house. I was miserable with the idea of going over there again. 

When we got to Tre's house his mom answered the door she seemed so normal and calm I wondered who Tre' got the crazy from. Tre' ran from upstairs down to us with his little cousin on his back. "Tre' there's Billie and his pretty cousin!" Tre' blushed and so did I. "BILLS!" Tre' handed me his cousin and tackled Billie. "Hi Victoria." Jonathon said this smiling at me and my soft side came out. "Aww you're cute you're coming with us to band practice I swear." Tre' gave me a weird look once he got off of Billie. "Uhh let's go downstairs now." I took Jonathon with us not caring what Tre' had to say. When we got down there we all sat on the couch and Tre' made an announcement. "Billie I present to you and your cousin piercing items it's the punk thing to do I mean I already bleached my hair I'm gonna dye it green while you guys do that." I grabbed the items out of Tre's hand and headed to the bathroom and locked the door. Once I got the needle in my nose I screamed. "Tre' what is she doing in there?" Tre's little cousin was confused as ever. "Well little one she's doing what most teens do that is natural mastur- mastering the art of piercing!" Tre' gave an evil grin and I came out holding tissue against my nose. "Billie your turn." We all went to the bathroom and Tre' started dying his hair. Billie shook as he took the needle to his nose. I pierced his nose for him and Tre' started rinsing his hair and dryed it off and we all went over to our instruments. "So this band thing is gonna go somewhere?" Tre' sounded serious and Billie shook his head yes.

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