Any Light ? Chapter .5

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Any Light? Chapter .5


*Jordan's POV*

"Beep!" I heard this annoying sound every second , Its been 2 days here in Darkness So isolated , I could hear my family and what I believed where doctors. What was going on I was still trying to figure it out , was I in the hospital? Oh lord I wonder what could it have been , oh no ! the cancer , but I don't remember anything in the few days that past. Yesterday I heard people sobbing I assume it would have been my Parents and I couldn't See anything all I remember where Sirens and the feeling of being rushed somewhere I remember the climate change from warm to cold , maybe I was rushed to the Hospital thats where I think I am. "Now Ms.Bennet You can stay inside with Your son , where conducting some test to see if he had any nerve damage." I perceived from what I think was a Doctor , "Thank You Doctor" I heard My dad say , I can recognize my dad's voice even if it a mile away. "Honey , Baby do You hear me?" I heard my mother cry , I couldn't react , couldn't move , couldn't do anything it seemed I was powerless. I heard my mom sob my name "Jordan" A few times , "Baby lets go get something to eat I think Jennifer wants to see him" I heard my Dad talk to my mom. The sound of my mom's sobs got father away I heard a door close and I felt what I thought could be Jennifer. "Jordan?" I heard Jeni whimper , "Jordan Please forgive me , I don't deserve You , I shouldn't have left you there alone" She said in between sobs , Where did Jeni leave me Alone , What the hell happened , My head was going nuts.

"Jordan , Don't leave me please , You are the most amazing best friend in the whole entire world" I heard her cry. Jeni must have done something bad , couldn't wrap my head around it. "Jordan if you can hear me , someone else wants to see you" she said walking away and I heard the door close once again. My hands were gently held by someone , there palm soft and smooth they wrapped their hand in mine , feeling my thumb , it gave me chills something I knew only One person could do. I heard them cry for a few minutes it felt like my heart started to break but it already was , why? "I need you" I heard that deep voice that made me feel safe say , "Please Come back , am sorry" I heard him weep , why did he make me feel like We were in the stars above everything and all even here in the pure darkness I could picture him.Suddenly my Lips Connected to his those lips that I wanted to desperately taste , It felt so beautiful , and His lips tasted sweet and they were so gentle. I felt so safe , but at the same time I knew i wasn't , he started to give gentle kisses all through my neck one separated from the other and then he returned to my lips , Our Kiss was interrupted by a Door opening , our hands disconnected and I felt dead , he made me feel alive , "Liam Lets go Jordan's parents are on there way" She said. I loved how he made me feel through everything and anything.

Suddenly my brain became isolated it felt weird but now I was in a deep sleep.


*Jennifer's POV"

I was taken out to the dance floor by this handsome dude , I felt bad for leaving Jordan alone but I knew it was momentarily.
I could hear the house music creating a vibe in body it felt amazing , as me and this dude who , I don't know who the hell he was danced I forgot about all my worries but I knew sooner or later they were coming to haunt me again. I Had 3 Jello shots and I wasn't having anymore , I jumped and closed my eyes feeling the stress all drain out , I opened them again and the lights were all flashing everything was crazy!

I spent some time Dancing till my feet got num and I Decided to rest , I went to the Table were I had last seen Jordan he wasn't there , I hadn't seen Tanya , and Jc Either they were probably making out somewhere. I was looking over the crowd to see if I could spot Jordan , but I didn't see him no where , I got a feeling in my gut something was wrong I didn't see Liam or Abby where they originally where , I couldn't see them either.

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