Old Flame Chapter 27

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*Jordan's POV*

"Why are you here!" I looked at the boy that stood in front of me the boy I had been in love with , been. I looked into his ocean blue eyes the one that always made my stomach flutter suddenly I felt nothing , don't get me wrong he was still beautiful but I didn't feel love at all. I wanted to love him , I wanted to kiss him love him smell his amazing patronizing aroma , "No you don't !" the little voice in my head reminded me.

"I came to see my baby!" He said grinning , I ran to hug him I came to holt when my body hit his strong broad one , he grabbed my thighs making me straddling his waist with my legs they also coming of the ground.

Liam cupped my face with his soft muscular hands , and pulled me into a long passionate kiss I still felt the sparks I had always felt , the contact of our lips sent my body into overdrive chills running up and down my spine and Somewhere I could feel my self sigh in relief he was my dream boy and I loved him.

"Wake up" I heard a voice disturb my brain , "wake up" the voice became much stronger suddenly light made contact with my eyes and I could see who had disrupted my dream.

"Finally your up!" I saw Jennifer in front of me , "I hate you" I said bluntly. She frowned but then shook it off "Am sorry" she managed to say , it was too early for this I thought wining in my head.

"Its fine , I knew you would eventually come around" I told her , "I really am sorry" she said once again sincerely.

"Its fine , now get the hell of my bed I want to sleep" I said trying to push her of my bed , her body struggling not to make contact with the floor finally I succeeded but with it came a whine from Jennifer. I took the covers from my bed covering myself and snuggling in , purring at the softness of the sheet and the warmth.

"Okay I guess I deserved that" She said standing up , "Get up! , its like 2:00 pm" She said shaking me as the covers moved slightly and I wined more losing contact with the softness if the warm white sheets.

"Oliver is here" I heard her say and my body went into full panic mode , "WHAT!" I came out from under the sheets "Your lying right?"I asked my body flooding with tension.

"Nope he is here with Claudia , there parents made them come or at leasts that what she said" I heard Jennifer utter with out stuttering at all. My breath became bigger oh my god! Oliver is actually here , am I supposed to wake up from this double dream because this would be a good time to wake up , any minute now. My whole body became impatient , I started playing with my hands while my foot moved up and down in a fast pace.

"Don't worry idiot , you don't have to talk to him at all your Liam's even if your body is making you feel all types of ways , your Liams" I heard Jennifer repeat , ugh how I just wanted to be in Liam's arms giggling and laughing while watching Grey's anatomy his favorite show or even the Vampire Diaries my favorite show , everything would be calm and I could fall asleep in his arms and wake up to his beautiful sexy morning hair ruffled like an adorable puppy.

"C'mon Jordan go take a shower and get dressed!" Jennifer bitched at me while signaling to the door.


*Oliver's POV*

(YASS BABY OLIVE IS BACK 💚😂 sorry continue reading ...)

"Claudia just shut up!" I looked at the red headed girl that stood before me. She was being so annoying obviously teasing me about well Jordan basically , she knew they were here after both of us getting here late because our flights were delayed she saw Jennifer walking around the Camp and with Jennifer is always Jordan there like siblings but there not.

The black haired beautiful boy came to my mind his amazing white crystal smile brighting anything and everyone in his path , and his crinkles showing every time he grinned he was brilliant! Not to mention his amazing features like his birthmarks that filled his body two on his chest and three on his back. His scent was perfect , it was a minty forest smell yet it was mixed with a hint of cherry blossoms and smelling it would probably take me back to the night we became intimate that night was my favorite.

"You have been smiling for the past fifteen minutes go find your old flame ughh!" She said whining and pouting , Was I really smiling for the past fifteen minutes? I really needed to see Jordan I missed him so much I hadn't seen him a long while and truly it was my fault , but I think he is happy with that jerk Liam. That's another thing Liam and Fin have become close in the week Jordan has not been there they were hugging holding each others hand and if it was for me Liam was cheating on Jordan but I didn't have any proof Jordan would think I was a liar if I told him.

Liam does not fucking deserve him I swear I want to break his face if he hurts Jordan , although I think he is currently I will destroy him.

I rumpled my curls in frustration , I was in denial of all my feelings for a long while but I truly madly deeply believe that I love him , but I just don't want to confuse Jordan anymore it wouldn't be fair to him , it was enough with everything that was going on in his life.

Why did Jordan gave to be so fucking amazing dammit! He didn't deserve what he was going through.

"So your just going to sit in bed doing nothing to get your baby back" She sassed me while unpacking her bag , I liked the sound of him being my baby I blushed at the thought of hugging him tightly in bed and kissing his beautiful lips.

"What am I supposed to do? , say hi Jordan sorry for not talking to you since like forever" I sassed back slouching back into the comfy bed I laid in.

"No tell him you want head , and to be his boyfriend again , I mean Liam seems pretty happy with Fin " She uttered with audacity once again as my face flushed into deep shades of red and my fist clenching at the thought of Liam hurting Jordan. "Shut up" I said as I threw one of the bed's pillows to hit her straight in the face. "Jerk!" She said propelling the pillow right back hitting my hard chest.

"Fine" I said standing up from the bed making up my mind to maybe just say hi to Jordan what did I have to lose...........


Shorty am sorry :( Next on will be a Longer promise



Oliver is back and better than ever wanting his old flame will he get him in the next chapter STAY TOONED BBYS AND DO YOU SHIP JIM ( Liam & Fin or nah??)

Love you ver very much

- Noodles

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