Truly perfect. Chapter .7

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Truly Perfect Chapter .7


*Jordan's POV*

Oh my god why did he make me feel like this! My mom saw us hug and everything holy shit I wonder what she's going to say , she probably hates me. See my mom is not a fan at all for gay people she hates them and it hurts me to know that a lot , Jennifer has only met my mom on her good side and , and Jennifer does not know that she hates people that are gay.

"Alright Jordan You can leave the hospital tomorrow but You will need to rest for a week , no standing up unless someone carrie's you , no very large movements." The Doctor looked at me as if I were in lala land , "Yes I promise" I responded with attitude. "Alright in 2 weeks all check up on you again , after that one week try to start walking and doing gestures alone." He Explained , "Alright" I responded with a weak grin.

I saw the doctor which I still didn't know the name to walk away , and I recognized Jennifer who was at the other side of the hospital room on her phone watching something. "Jennifer!" I screamed to her , "Jordan!" She screamed back. "What are you watching?" I questioned her , "Vampire diaries I missed the episode last night" She explained "It is so good!" She remarked , "Lucky , I have probably missed three million episodes" I told her.

"Okay going away from that subject , I saw you're mom and Liam talking In the hallway!" She exclaimed , "Wait What!" My eyes widened and I stared at her in silence. "Oh my god no no!" I was speechless oh my god she defiantly hates me. "Did she tell you anything?" I asked her , "Uh yea she asked me something" She said worried. " What!" I exclaimed , "She asked me if you were gay" She said putting her head down really upset. "What did you tell her!" I looked at her , "Well obviously I said no" she said. "Jordan don't worry about it , she will be fine with it" She told me , "NO JENNIFER , NO YOU DONT KNOW MY MOM THAT WELL SHE HATES GAY PEOPLE OKAY YOU KNOW NONE OF THAT OKAY it hurts me" I screamed as tears came running down my face. Jennifer came running to me , she also shedding tears , "Am sorry Jordan" She said , "You shouldn't have to live a life like this" She cried.

"If anything happens I promise You can come live with me" She Claimed , "I love you Jordan so much , You shouldn't be afraid" she cried. Jennifer hugged me for a while and she went to go eat.

I shut my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

*****Next Day*****

I opened my eyes to find the shinning rays of the sun illuminating the whole hospital room , and to find my mom sitting looking straight at me no expressions.

"Hi mom" I stuttered. "Don't fucking Hi me" She said now more angrily , "Why did you hug that boy and why were you calling him" She said furious. "Mom He's my friend" I told her , "Don't pull that shit on me young man , why?" She kept asking. "Tell me you little bitch , me and you're father didn't raise you for this" She came closer and I felt the palm of her hand touch my cheek , she slapped me. "Tell me Jordan now!"She exclaimed , I could feel all her anger. I started to cry , I cant believe myself but I couldn't anymore , "Alright bitch you wanna know why I wanted him , because In the darkest times he seems to put a smile on my face , because when am going through pain I focus on him and only him and he helps me pull through , because when I look into his eyes I instantly fall in love every time , because I fell for him but it doesn't even feel as fallen , but as saved from falling" I screamed right at her with all my tears running down my cheek.

She slapped me again this time with all her force , me crying , "You're a disgrace to me" She screamed , "No You my mom are disgrace to me because after all , You come to hate me because of who I love , You need help you psychotic bitch" I screamed.

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