Done. Chapter 16

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Done. Chapter 16


*Liam's POV*

"Babe! Babe!" I heard the familiar voice dammit! , Abby was back in town and I was going to let Jordan know that I couldn't break up with her because my father told me that Abby's family had money and I could pull that money and help pay my dad some debt. My dad pulls me into his pile of shit and then am the one that has to deal with it!

I was dragging Jordan to the bathroom to let him know , and this party was already on my nerves , plus Jordan almost swallowed a whole bottle of vodka could this stupid night get any worse. Spoke to soon!

"Who the -" I cut Jordan off his face looked raged , "Hey babe!" I pulled a fake smile , "Am done , goodbye , am so done right now" I heard Jordan say as he untangled my hand from his arm and left , I fucked up real bad now.

"What was his problem?" Abby asked , "I don't Know , Jennifer told me to keep and eye on him" I said , and again I fucked up.

"Whatever , so babe guess who is here!" Abby said excitedly , "Who?" I asked concerned , "You're child hood best friend , Finn" I heard her say , my eyes widened , Finn was one of my only best friends we have been through some tough shit especially through his childhood , My mom and dad would help him if he needed some place to stay , We used to play basketball and throw the football around and then he moved with his mom to Florida and I haven't seen him since.

"When did he come? , how long has he been here in California?" I practically interrogated her , "Don't worry he'll answer all those questions when you see him here at the party." She responded , "Wait he came?" I questioned one last time , "Yes" She responded.

"So are you going to ask me to dance?" Abby asked , "Sure wanna dance?" I asked back , "Well if you say it like that" She sighed , "Fine" she then she added.


*Finn's POV*

My mind was hazy , the music was pounding and all my friends were bugging me for another round of shots. "Fine , last one" I said as they poured the Vodka into their shot glasses , "One , two , three!" I heard becky say to me and the other Jocks. I grabbed the shot glass and drank the violent Vodka that battled in my throat to be pushed down , I gasped "No more" I put the glass down with attitude.

"Well I need to pee so you all have fun" I smirked , I figured that the bathroom downstairs would be probably packed or full of people making out so I was determined to find the one upstairs. I looked through the hallways that had different door opening one by one , damn this house was big!

Tired of opening door , this was my last one , I opened it I gasped , Oliver! and some boy there in one bed. Both naked caramel eye's was on top of Oliver! Oh my god I was shock less. Caramel eye's quickly got off Oliver and tangled himself in the sheets , okay I have clearly had to much to drink tonight.

I quickly closed the door , I had Just seen Oliver this was not good , not good , I was walking away trying to get that image of my head and still trying to find this god damn bathroom and suddenly I was stopped by that hand that still gave chills down my spine , he still had that effect on me.


*Jordan's POV*

I heard the door open I quickly tangled my self in Oliver's sheets , as the green eyed Jock looked confused. Oliver was in shock While I tried to cover myself as most as possible.

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