Confusion. Chapter 15

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Confusion. Chapter 15


*Jordan's POV*

I sat there balling my eyes out , thinking about all the times I spent with Liam. I was so confused , I had told Jennifer what happened and she was really sad for me but she's probably resolving that issue upstairs with Petah probably ripping his cloths of his body and taking him.

Suddenly I heard footsteps come down the stairs , It was Jennifer , "So theres a Party tonight at Claudia's everyones invited" She came to me wiping my tears.

"Am not in the mood for a party , especially at Claudia's if you're head cant remember thats Oliver's sister and he's going to be there" I snapped at her as I removed her finger from my face.

"Am not in the mood for a Party either , and tell him to back off" She spoke again.

"Am not going" I wrapped myself in a ball and sobbed , "I wasn't asking you to go , you're going" She grabbed my hand and forced me upstairs.

I don't want to go to that party Oliver's going to be there I cant see him , I need to forget him.

"Get dressed all meet you downstairs in ten" She expressed with her fingers , and then she disappeared into her room,
I grabbed my cloths and entered the bathroom , I was going to wear a Miley cyrus T-Shirt that her surrounded by cats in a galaxy type background , oh how I loved this shirt.

I was also going to wear blue skinny jeans , and some black Vans. I put everything on and started to style my hair , I just ruffled it with some gel.

I put some cologne on and made my way downstairs , were I found Jennifer and Petah waiting for me , they both looked stunning.

"Alright then" I smirked at them , "Lets get the hell out of here." I followed them out as we got into Petah's car , it was a Red Mustang it looked like it had shiny smooth coating that just mixed in with the originals color. The Red Mustang was slim and it had leather seats , they were so comfortable!

We were on our way to Claudia's and I couldn't help but frown , I couldn't stop thinking about Liam how I hurt him like this , I could feel the guilt pour up from my throat but I swallowed it back down.

"Hello , for tonight can you at least be happy forget and don't regret" I heard Jennifer say , I looked down into the middle of the two seats were Petah was driving and Jennifer was on the passenger side and there hands were together they looked like they fit perfectly just like puzzle pieces , reminded me of me and Liam holding hands.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Miley come on the radio , and my body could not resist and I just started to dance,
usual me of course.

After what seemed like an hour conversation with Jennifer about random stuff , Petah pulled up to a bug house , more like a mansion , lights were flashing everywhere and the music was blasting and it was Seven O'clock.

Drunk , couples were on the porch making out with each almost having sex right then and there , like get a room ugh!

We walked and opened the doors that were already unlocked , I could feel the dancing vibe starting to move my body , Jennifer and Petah disappeared into the roaring crowd.

I saw a table full of alcohol I walked over to it , I poured some vodka into a small shots cup. Okay , hopefully this works to take this pain at least for a night , without further thinking I drank the vodka shot , I could feel the burning sensation down my throat I had never drank before and I swore I would never but I guess am wrong.

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