This Kiss. Chapter 19

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This Kiss. Chapter 19


*Jennifer's POV*

I feel like I just want to block everyone out , my mom is recovering and is going of to work unlike the past 2 weeks , Jordan is still lost with his feelings , I don't know if to trust Petah anymore I think he's cheating on me with Laura but am not sure of it and I don't want to make any false accusations because to be honest I still trust him. I don't want to think about my sister at all , but I have been going every week to put flowers on her grave. I also tried being a bitch to Jordan but we have known each other since kindergarten and he knows how I am.

"Jennifer!" I heard Jordan scream from downstairs breaking my train of thought. I arose from my bed a headed downstairs , I found My mom , Paul , and Jordan was on the couch on his laptop. "What?" I questioned annoyed , "So me and Paul have been giving it some thought and you're school is having the annual summer camp in Missouri and since we have some family members over there I thought maybe you and Jordan could go" She spoke with no pauses just a bunch of words came out of her mouth which I rephrased in my mind after a whole lot of thinking.

"You want me and Jordan to spend our summer in a small community of cabin's near a lake , with a whole bunch of performing arts students and weirdo's , My answer is obviously no" I gave them weak smile as I heard Jordan step up to the conversation. "Jennifer there's not just dance and singers there but theres a bunch of sports and things." He tried convincing me with a weak argument. "And again my answer is no" I repeated.

"Jennifer Please I would really like if you went that way you can get you're mind of things during the summer instead of being locked inside the house , like a new hobby , plus you'll meet new friends." She stated once again.

"Jennifer a word" I heard Jordan say to me as not a question but a command. "What now" I questioned him , "Look you're mom is really upset that you have been locked in you're room for the past few weeks , look I don't want go but to be honest I rather get away from all this , it might not be what we expect in our minds but we sure don't have to spend a summer here." He tried convincing me again at this point it was just getting annoying , "I believe the words you are going to say is , yes" He said pushing me into the living room again.

My mom and Paul snapped out of their conversation fast , "Were in" I heard Jordan say to them , a wide grin came onto my mom's face , I gave them a weak smile and left upstairs back into my room.

I sat back on my bed , I don't want to go to a stupid camp , I hate those type of things getting together and being disconnected from the internet is the worst , don't get me wrong I love going outside and getting together with friends and stuff but not for the whole freaking summer , no just no.


*Jordan's POV*

Paul and Jacqueline had already left to some double date with another couple , while Jennifer was now watching Vampire Diaries with me on the couch. "Do you think Damon and Elena will ever be happy?" She questioned me , to be fairly honest Damon and Elena make the freaking series there amazing together yet every time they try to be happy something has to go wrong. "They deserve to be happy" I told her , our new conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door. "All get it" I said to Jennifer , I walked to the door thinking who the heck that be , probably Petah or I don't know?

As I finally reached the door I opened it , finding his beautiful Ocean like eyes , he was wearing a blue polo that matched his eyes , black skinny jeans and his hair was ruffled in the sexiest way possible. I smelled his delightful cologne everywhere , and his sexy adorable face as perfect as possible how I fucking missed him. I just wanted to hug him and taste those lips , "Hey" He blushed as my heart fluttered at his deep seductive voice. "Hhh-I , Hi" I stuttered , "I got you a pretzel , its dipped in caramel and chocolate , you love both I know you love both." I could not stop staring at his eyes and he was so adorable , okay how many times have I said that , "Thank you , Come in" I gestured , I did like both caramel and chocolate on my pretzel he so thoughtful.

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