Wake up. Chapter 17

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Wake up. Chapter 17


*Tasha's POV*

It was five o'clock in the morning , everyone was sleeping I couldn't deal with my life anymore seeing Jc with other girls it was killing me inside. Me and Jc were dating for 6 years , I trusted him but I didn't feel comfortable we always used protection but I guess it failed , my belly was beginning to grow but my life was miserable and the child in me would have it rough , the doctors said it was late for an abortion and I wanted to end it all.

I went into my mom's cabinet were she had all her pain relievers , I hope this works I thought to myself , I grabbed a glass of water and before heading upstairs I kissed Jordan's forehead as my goodbye. I headed upstairs to my room and closing it slowly I sat in my bed swallowing each pill with a gulp of water after in total I drank thirty. I didn't finish the water and I dropped the little orange pill bottle on the floor. I snuggled into my sheets as tears started to escape my eyes I hated my life so much but it was coming to and end

I closed my eyes as my body went numb I could feel my blood flow stop my heart beat get slower , the air I breathed was like poison I closed my eyes and wished for it all to go away and it did.


*Jordan's POV*

I saw Jennifer waiting for me at the main entrance of the school , her eyes were red and weary she sobbed one time and then again again , "Jennie whats wrong?" I asked very concerned what was going on? , was it Petah? , "We need to get home" Jennifer sobbed , "Lets go then." I didn't know what was going on but if Jennifer was crying it had to be big so I didn't even think about it.

Jennifer threw me Petah's Car keys , "I don't Know how to drive but its a Start , plus I have driven golf karts." She kept sobbing whatever was going on it was big , See Jennifer is strong and she only cry's in situations with her family or things that really bring her down like when I was in the hospital she cried because she loves me and I would do the same really. I have always admired that about her she strong but now something had her dying inside I could see it in her eyes , and whatever had her down had me down.

I sighed and buckled my seat belt I started the engine and we were off.

The thought of driving had me shaking but I would get over it , I almost ran a women over but stopped in time , I was starting to get the hang of it stirring and I knew the pedals each from each other , When I was with my mom and before the cancer we actually bonded , every time we would go shopping she would tell me to park the car and she taught me how to put the park on drive and things.

I turned the corner to find a couple of ambulances and 5 police cars my eyes widened , Oh no I thought in my head.

I spotted Jacqueline in some guys arms , he had curly short black hair and he was tall , I had no clue who that was.

I parked next to the ambulance that was blocking the entrance into the lot and Jennifer got out running , Into the ambulance , I ran with her I saw Tasha's body they were trying to check for a pulse "Theres nothing!" One of the Nurse's said running her hands through her blonde , "There's Nothing" she said again her tone softer this time.

"No! , No!" Jennifer broke she was crying uncontrollably , I looked at Jacqueline who was down on the floor while the guy held her in his hands. I wrapped myself around her as tears also came out of my face.

Jennifer looked back to her mother all her mascara ran through her face she pulled away from my hug and got out of the ambulance sobbing , She walked to her mother , "What happened?" Jennifer asked her , "She overdosed , she took all my pain relievers" Jacqueline sobbed her eyes were big red and puffy.

Jennifer stayed silent I heard her sobs , "Who are you?" Jennifer asked the guy who was previously holding Jacqueline. "My name's Paul" He stated , "Not even a heads up mom , and to think were a family" Jennifer sobbed , I got out the ambulance and took Jennifer to her room.


*Fin's POV*

My only true love was on the bed with some caramel eyed boy , I was done I came back for him I told him I had to go away for 6 Months I never moved on but I guess he did and fast.

Rage built up in me I grabbed the stupid frame I had on my nightstand of him and me on New years and threw it across the room the glass broke as it shattered and all the pieces fell to the floor , I rubbed my eyes , as they burned and tears ran down from my eyes I sank into my bed as I heard my mom shout my name through the door I put my earphones and blocked the world out.


*Jennifer's POV*

"Really mom?" tears poured from my eyes as I looked straight into her eyes , Jordan insisted in me staying in my room but no my mom was getting away with this.

"You could not tell me , that you were seeing someone , you know whats your problem you run away from everything mom , you have daughters okay and you cant try to at least tell me that your seeing someone?" she sobbed.

"What you don't want me to be happy , well wake up am not spending the rest of my life alone , okay we lost your father and he was the only one that I will truly always love but what happens when you go to college or to a university , good bye mom and mom has to be alone , and you excuse me but I have tried to give you the best life but its hard for me okay" her eyes were big and puffy.

"You can be happy okay I want your happiness but you don't understand its been hard for me to okay not having my father and I know you have no fault but nobody knows the pain me and Tasha were going through because you were either at work or somewhere else , so yes we made many mistakes and we had each other while you were gone , all you needed to tell me was that you were seeing someone." I sobbed my heart felt finally shattered. "And know Tasha's gone" My eyes burned my breath hitched all the pain. I knew my mom wasn't taking anything well either.

"She was pregnant , Tasha was pregnant" I said solemnly. "What!" I heard her scream "And you couldn't tell me she couldn't tell me?" She came closer.

"Well wake up" I rephrased her little quote , "You were never here" I spoke through my teeth as tears ran down both our faces.


Am so sorry guys I haven't posted in three million years like I really am sorry but things have really been hard and I have just

Tried to disconnect for a while. But anyways am back and I will try to post regularly I really am sorry guys for this short one and for not posting.

Thank you so much guys for 2.5k reads you guys are amazing and thank you for all you'r votes.

So I have been thinking I want to dedicate a song to every chapter Just like a song that represent the chapter and of course I recommend you guys hearing the dedicated song so

This weeks song is "Cannonball" By : Lea Michelle go listen to it if you haven't yet ;)

Thank you and Love you guys all


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