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"Oi Sky wake up" whispered Sai in my ear. I just grabbed the covers and hid under the blankets. Not much of a morning person. "Hmm I warned you Boobzilla" he said while walking away. 

Soon I heard footsteps and then...BOOM!!!!

"Wakie wakie Sky"yelled Ben while jumping up and down my bed. "Get off of me!" I yelled while trying to get him off. Until he straddled me and smirked. Oh no anything but this...

"Tickle tickle tickle" he yelled while tickling me all over my stomach. "Please..hahaha...stop...ahahaha!" I laughed while some tears began to fill my eyes from laughter. Soon he smiled and got off. "Come on we got to look for jobs with Kakashi sensie. " he said while both of them began to get dressed. Yes we all share a room. 

Soon I got off and grabbed my clothes to get changed. I ran into the bathroom connected to our small bedroom. Soon I came out in my black ripped jeans and a white tank top. I combed my short light brown hair while staring into the mirror. Deep into dull yet blue eyes. Like the sky in rainy days. Ha thats funny cause my name is Sky and I love rainy days..

Soon I walked out and smiled at my family photo. The only thing I have from them. My mother had long waist length hair same color as mine. While my fathers was darker. My mother had ocean blue eyes while my father had them as mine. So in a way I have my looks from both of them. 

"Come on Sky hurry up" yelled Sai while pulling his gun and roses shirt over him. "Hai" I yelled back. 

Soon we all made our way to Kakashi sensei office. "Ohayo" the three of us sang to him. He just gave us his regular smile behind his black mask. "Ohayo what can I do for you three" he said while typing into his laptop.

"Jobs" I said while we all sat down in front of him. "Hm yeah I heard about you Sky but why you two" he said while eyeing Ben and Sai. "The store fired me because I slept during working hours" Ben said while twirling around in the wheeling chairs. Kakashi just sweat dropped. "And you Sai" Kakashi said while going back to his laptop. "I was too honest to the customer" he simply said and we all know when Sai can be way too honest.

"Alright lets see what I can find" He said and began searching.

"Aha okay Sai this job will be perfect for you. Because Ben and Sky have allergies. You will be working at a flower shop. Yamanaka Flower Shop" he gave Sai the information and quickly left. 

Then we waited for our jobs. I look at the time. 9:34 am. Crap my first class starts at 10:30 and its quite far I need to take the bus. Crap and I forgot to do my homework.

"Okay I found something for both of you actually." Kakashi said while bringing me out of my thoughts. 

"Tsume is looking for a personal maid and assistance for his son. And this Jiraiya guy is looking for extra help at his bookstore" he said while eyeing us.

"Well Im a guy sooooo I cant be a maid."Ben said while smirking at me. Oh.Hell.No

"So I will take the bookstore" he said while taking the slip of information and skipped away.

"is there anything else please Kakashi sensie. I dont want to work as a maid" I cried onto his desk.

"Well its the only job available right now. You get paid 300,000 dollars a month" he said while my eyes shot up. 

"I'll take it" I said while noticing how helpful it will be. This is just for school. I am almost done anyways..besides how bad can this lady son be.

Soon i grabbed the slip of paper and dashed my way out. "Sky dont forget your lunch" yelled Tobi san. "Arigato Tobi" I said while grabbing my hightop vans and putting them on. I grabbed my backpack and my duffle bag with my archery gear. 

"Have fun at school kido" yelled Deidara san. "Yeah and work hard it is your last year after all" added Iruka sensie. "I will thanks bye everyone" I yelled while walking out of the orphanage. 

I went to the bus stop and waited for the bus to come. Soon it came and i hopped on. After a few minutes I hopped off and began making my way to school. Konoha Honors Academy. Also known as the most expensive school with quite a reputation of having excellent students. I got accepted by a scholarship. So keeping my grades up is a priority. Also I am in the archery team here. So not so bad. I got a scholarship for sports and my creativity in photography and music. 
I usually kept to myself so I don't have any friends at the school.

I walked in and noticed the time. 10:26 Crap I have to hurry to my first class. Honors English. 

I ran the flight of stairs to the 3rd floor and walked into my first classroom. I never payed attention to anyone since its full of snobby rich kids. I make my way and sit at a empty table close by the window. Soon more students piled up and class has finally started. 

The door slide open and in came the professor. Everyone stood up and bowed and sat back down. 

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