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After what happened I wasn't the same...and only one person knows how I truly feel....it was Suigetsu.


"Are you alright now Sky chan?" Naruto asked while he hugged me and consoled me as Hinata rubbed my back and sweety played with my hair which made me feel better. 

"Hey, why don't you guys get off the next stop and I will stay with Sky besides its been a while you guys been alone, " Sugetsu said while smirking. Naruto blushed while he nodded and grabbed Hinata's hand and got off the next stop. 

Suigetsu sat next to me and hold my hand. When we came to the next stop we got off and he took me to this cozy small cafe. We sat down in the far corner. He smiled at me and said, "So are you gonna tell me what happened?"

I remained quiet as tears filled my eyes. Why....why did I have to fall for that idiot...why him out of all people...

"I...I fell in love...with Kiba " I cried out. He immediately hugged me as I cried because we both were in love with people who were completely different from us.....in love with someone who will never look our way...since they have someone else now...

Suigetsu hugged me harder as I felt a tear fall on my shoulder...is he crying?

"I know how you feel Sky...but we have to be strong and move on...." he said while I cried more. Stupid love....I hate it...it's annoying...the feeling...the sadness...the jealousy...I hate everything about it...the heartbreak, lies, and just everything...

What about us Kiba...what happen to our promises...our trust....could there have been something more....

Perhaps not....


All of this happened and now I am sitting next to him...Kiba but we don't look nor say anything to each other ever since I left his mansion...

Fuck this feeling man...I thought as I was in my music class listening to Kurenai Sensei.

"Alright class for our final assignment on who gets the scholarship to a job in the music and movie industry in the Sand Village is now decided," she said while my eyes shot open on the sentence. 

Immediately everyone became excited about it...as for Kiba he just remained writing down. This is perfect for me...I thought while smiling.

"Now everyone calm down...the assignment has to be a love song, it can be a love for a child, partner, or just love in general. Love has much meaning to us...it's a broad topic...now I was a full music video about. Also since the industry is also about movies, not just music I want you guys to produce a trailer about anything you want. Surprise me and we will present these in our next class. Which are two weeks from now so work hard. Oh but here is a catch I want the trailer in Japanese" she said while the bell was rung and we bowed down and walked out of class. Everyone was shocked by the request she had made.

I have a perfect title for the song now it's just the process of writing down the lyrics...

And for the movie would have to be what....

I was thinking so much that I didn't know where I was going... "WATCH OUT!!!" someone yelled and thats when I bump into someone who had dropped many papers on the floor.

"Oh my god I am so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" I said while helping the person picked up the papers.

"Its alright dont worry about....Sky-chan" I looked up and was met with my first love...Ren. I laughed and kind of found our situation weird. 

"What is so funny" he aksed clueless.

"De ja vu" I said while I laughed and he seemed to process the moment and laugh as well. 

Soon we picked up all the papers and I hand them to back to him. 

"So what is this stack of papers for" I asked while he fixed them back in order. "It is for our last assignment, we need to make a small movie for a job opportunity in the movie industry in the Sand Village," he said while smiling. 

I was shocked. "Hmm that's a coincidence so do we in the music industry and movie industry," I said. 

"Well is that so" he said while smirking at me. I blushed and looked away. I felt my heart beat faster...ugh these feelings are from the past...not now...if I did truly love Ren why did I fall for Kiba...

"Lets make a promise," he said while holding his pinky out. I blinked a few times and said "Okay" while holding my pinky out and intertwining our pinkies together. He smiled and brought me closer to him. He smiled and kissed my cheek. I felt my legs become weak and blushed red as a tomato. 

Then I noticed he became serious and his smile faded. 

"If we both get this...will you marry me and have a life with me in the Sand Village..." he said with pink tinted on his cheeks. 

That's it I lost it....my legs gave up on me as Ren got surprised and tried to help me up...

"Your just teasing me arent you" I said at him half angry. 

"Hahaha no I am serious Sky-kun...I love you" he said while I breathed in and smiled...If I am never going to have a chance with Kiba might as well try to be happy and move on...make a new life and leave the village...because if I remain here I will only be hurting myself...

I will fall in love with you Ren I promise....just like when we were in High School....my heart would beat for you...the same butterfly feelings...everything...

"Hai" I said while kissing him on the lips...he seemed shocked but smiled and kissed back. I smiled and laughed while he was the one bushing now.

We both laughed and walked out of the school. 


I was waiting for Karin from DNA science class....that's when I heard a big bang from the hallway. I looked over and noticed Sky with that guy...I felt this feeling in the pit of my stomach...ever since she left I couldn't stand it...but I noticed a small photo book was left behind with a keychain with the house keys...

The photo contained many landscape and cityscape photos. They were so beautiful some were edited and some were from places I never been in the village. 

The keychain had Akamaru name....I wonder why....

I was lost in thought until I heard students said awwww....

I looked over and saw them kissing.....I felt my mouth become dry...I wanted to grab and hold her close to me...and say "she's mine" but I couldn't...

My heart was shattered but...aren't I in love with Karin??? Or did I fall for my maid...Sky Hatake.....

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