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Sasuke and I walked back to his house or mansion I dont really know...I thought he would have a show-off car or something even a butler but what took me by surprise was that we took the train.

"I didnt know you knew how to take the train" I said out of the blue. "I may be a snobby rich kid what you may call me but I am pretty decent I dont really like to show off " he said while looking out the window. 

"N-nani I never said front of you or any of you guys..." I said while blushing and looking at anything but him...

"I am not saying that I feel offended by it...I use to be that show off kid, who believed I was more powerful and higher than those lower than me" he said while looking at me. 

"But after my parents died...I was like whats the point of all this will never make me truly happy...thats when I found what was truely was important. My older brother Itachi, Sakura, and Naruto, they helped me out in my worst and have been with me through thick and thin" he said while smiling with an honest smile.   

I smiled and admired his words...thats how I feel with my family at the orphange...

Soon the train came to a stop and we walked off. It was quite nice the are, we walked until we reached what was the Uchiha house. I was shocked because it was so.....decent.

"Shocked arent we like I said my brother and I are quite decent" he said while smirking at me. 

It was a cute medium sized house. We walked in through the small wooden gate and I noticed a cute garden of tomatoes. 

We walked into the house and took off our shoes. 

"If you want you can use dobes sandals, I dont like anyone to use Sakura's, I am posseive over them" he said while blushing. 

"Awww" was all I said while he shot back a glare. 

"Urusai ! And dont mention this to her" he said. 

I laughed and slipped on Naruto red foxed sandals. They fit me quite big. Sasuke showed me his house. It had a big living room, kitchen, it was three bedrooms, and had a cute small patio outside. 

"My brother Itachi must still be at you mind waiting" he asked while streching his hands. 

"No I dont" I said.

"Alright make yourself comfortable I will  take a shower if you need anything get it youself make yourself at home" he said while walking away. 

"A-arigato" I said while being left dumbfolded. I sigh and walked to the living room and noticed so many books on a shelf. I smiled and walked up to them. 

So many books to read....I was looking through all of them and noticed some were old, love stories, history, and cultural stuff about the village. I grabbed like around 5 and walked to the coffee table and set them there. I looked back and noticed scrolls. 


I grabbed some and they explained stuff about chakra and some meanings...they were in Japanese I smiled and grabbed like 10 of these and walked back to the table. I began to read and felt myself become absorbed...

I opened around 5 scrolls to read, and 3 books because I noticed some were connected with eachother. 

I was so absored within these books and scrolls that I didnt notice the door of the front door opening. 

I heard someone go upstairs, must be Itachi..I thought while not taking my eyes off of these books and scrolls.

What I didnt notice was the presence of someone in the living room with me. When that person spoke I felt my eyes become watery and my body heavy, my heart skipped a beat and the thought of hearing that voice again was long gone but it finally came back....

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