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I rushed my way to the train so I will be able to make it to the address to Miss Tsume. I got on the train and rushed my way inside. Once inside the train began to move and off we went to the more outer part of Konoha. I live more in the middle part of the city. It seems Miss Tsume lives within the richer society. 

Alright lets see whats for homework...hmm just making a new song. Just glad it doenst have to be with my voice. It can be anyones. And I already know who to use well I always use Benny for this he does have that husky yet soft but sexy voice. Cant really explain myself. 

"Next stop is in about 3 min" yelled the person through the speaker. My stop. Once the train stopped I hopped off and walk my way through the streets. 

After a while it seemed I was lost great...SIGH

I noticed someone with brown hair tied into a pony tail in a beautiful black dress. I deiced to ask her. 

"Umm you know by any chance where can I find this address" I asked politely. Once she turned around I was shocked to see the same fanged marked cheeks...just like Kiba's...

"Ah yes I do know any chance are you Sky from the orphanage" she asked with a sweet smile. 

"Hai" I replied while gaining my composure.

"Well follow me" she said while she began to walk and I followed behind. 


"Tadaima" I whispered while walking inside the huge house. I already knew no one would welcome me home. I walked to Tsume office and knocked.

"Come in" she said while I walked in and sat down in front of her desk. "So what was the reason why you wanted me here early Tsume" I said while not looking at her. 

"You are meeting you new personal maid today" she said while typing on her computer. I simply nodded while the silence grew and we patiently waited. 

"Tadaima" I heard my sister Hana yelled. "I brought someone with me along the way" she said while walking in. 

"Please wait outside" she said while I tried to see who was going to be my personal maid. But failed. 

"Hai" I heard the feminine voice said through the doors. It sounded familiar...

"Its that the person whom applied to the job" Tsume asked, "Hai" smiled my sister Hana. 

"Please come in sweety" said Tsume while the door opened. Once it opened my eyes widened at the sudden realization on who it was. 


I noticed she also seemed shocked and she glared while deciding upon entering or not.



Take the job or leave i kept repeating my self..but I need the money. SIGH

I walked in and sat down. "Ohayo my name is Sky" I said while smiling. 

"Ohayo my name is Tsume Inuzuka and this is my daughter Hana Inuzuka and my son Kiba Inzuzuak whom you will serve as his personal maid." she said while I nodded.

"Yes Lady Tsume" i said while nodding in understanding. 

"Oh and you will  be living here as well" she said while that caught me off guard.

"N-nani" I said while I felt my heart sank. I cant live without Sai and Ben.

"Well yes as Kiba personal maid you have to be present at all times when he needs you" She said while I felt sad and scared...

"Hai" I said while knowing I have to tell everyone at home. Home...

"Very well...please be here with all your belonging by tomorrow and Kiba please show her her room and uniform. Oh and if you dont it like you may change-

"Isnt it my decision to whether or not she may change her uniform or not Tsume" Kiba interrupted his mom...but why did he call her by her real name instead of mom...

I noticed Tsume glared and looked angry while Kiba remained with a emotionless face.

"Well" he said while getting up and walking out. "Arent you coming maid" he said while i felt my blood boil. Excuse me bitch I have a fucken name baka

"Coming" I growled. But before I left i bowed and walked out. Not before hearing Miss Tsume. 

"He is never going to forgive me Hana. I am never getting my Kiba back..." her voiced cracked at the end. So it does hurt her...

"Orphan" I shot a glare at Kiba "hurry up" he said. "I have a name you know Kiba" I said while glaring and walking up the stairs.

"Like if I care and its Master Inuzuka to you maid" he said while he kept on walking. God please give me patience cause if not I am seriously going to kill this damn brat.

I grumbled and just kept walking up the stairs until he grabbed my wrist and pushed me up against a wall while pinning my hands on each side of me. 

"Let go of me " i said not scared nor startled by his sudden actions. Soon he moved his head close to my neck and licked it....what the fuck

I knocked my head with his while he grabbed hold of his head. "Baka that hurt" he yelled at me. 

"Well you dont do that to a girl you pervert" i yelled back. He smirked and continue walking.

I decided to keep my distance from him.


I honestly dont know what went though me...

I just hope I dont get too close to her...she is beautiful i will admit that but im afraid to get too close because those who are close to you tend to leave...

I must remain cold and distant with some teasing involving with her. I look back at her and notice that she kept a distance with me, I smirked. 


I must not let these emotions overcome me...I must remain strong, cold, is not an option to me..especially with this baka...

We both locked eyes... dull shade of blue collided with chocolate ones...both wondering what the other is thinking.

Wondering why out of all people did they have to meet once again but this time for who knows how long...only from seeing each other from a late night walk....

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