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He was mean, rude, and such a jerk. I thought we would be the best of friends but ever since Sai came we just been fighting. He is always so cold and emotionless. 

I went to Iruka sensei and help him in the kitchen. "Hey kido why the pouting" he says while sitting on a chair and chopping fruit. 

I walked up to him and jump myself into his lap. "Ah when you sit in my lap its because something is bugging you.."he says while ruffling my hair. 

"Its Sai" I said while crossing my arms. "Well do you know his reasons" he said while smiling at me. I look up at him and shook my head.

"Well he had mean parents who said mean things to him and hit him. So he doesnt know having someone care and be kind to him. All he ever knew was being hurt, reason why he tends to be cold and mean. To protect himself from getting hurt again." he said while frowning. 

"Nani but mommies and daddies are suppose to love you" I said while feeling bad about Sai.

"Well for Sai it wasnt like that reason why Kakashi went to go and help him by bringing him here...he doesnt know the feeling of a hug or friendly kiss on the cheek. " once he said that I jumped off his lap and ran back to our room. Once I opened the room he glared at me and wet back to drawing. 

"Hi Sai" I said while standing next to him. "Hn" he said while I look over his shoulder to see a drawing of a beautiful bird. 

"Thats beautiful" I said smiling. He glared at me and turned back around. "A-arigato" he said which brought a huge smile to my face. 

Then he got back up from his bed and stood in front of me. "What do you want" he said while remaining strong even though he was truly soft and kind inside. I smiled at him and hugged him.

He seemed shocked and then I let go and smiled at him...then I came closer to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I backed away and kept on smiling.

He raised a hand to his cheek and began to tear up. "I am never going to hurt you, I will always protect you, I promise to never leave your side...Sai-kun" I said while holding my pinky out. He smiled...and intertwined my pinky with his. 

Once he let go he walked up to me and hugged me back. "Arigato Sky-kun" he said while tearing up. I hugged him back then after a while he smiled at me and we played outside. 

While we were playing our senseis were watching us from the window. 

"I told you Iruka sensei, they would be good friends for eachother. " Kakahsi said.

"Hai, SKy can truly change a person." Iruka said while watching us play. 

"Well I got to go and get another young boy" Kakahsi said while grabbing some paperwork.

"Reason" said Iruka sensie. "His parents died in a car accident. His name is Benny, same age as Sai and Sky. " Kakashi said while smiling. 



....Her eyes....they were watery...and any moment they were going to tear up. As the moonlight shine through the empty hallway her eyes seem so beautiful. 

Then as I stared at her she felt a tear slipped out and gasp she cleaned her eyes and looked down. 

"Forget what you was nothing" she said while hiding her eyes with her bangs.

What was she thinking.


I quickly realized that I was about to cry...why....because he reminded me of Sai...

"Forget what you was nothing" I said while regaining my composure. Soon I looked back up and our eyes met. 

"Okay" he said while opening the door. Once he opened it my mouth opened slightly this room was huge. 

"Wow" I whispered while walking in. But this room seems to big for a maid...once I noticed the style of the room and how kind of messy it was i realized it was kiba's.

"Umm kib-I mean Master why are we in your room" I said while i say him leaning against a wall. 

"Well as my personal maid I want you close by so your room is connected with mine." he said while walking up to a white door. "It may seem dull but I will let you decorate it any way you want. This weekend if you wish" he said while looking anywhere else but me. 

"Ariagto" I said while he opened the door revealing another large bedroom, but not as big as Kiba's.

It had white walls with a huge bed. A giant closet and a mirror with a desk to work on.

"Like I said this weekend we can fix it up to your taste. You things are all fixed up, so you dont have to do anything now here are some rules. " he said while he caught my attention of rules. 

"No one is allowed in your room but me. And only me. You are to be by my side at all times. Except for school since we have different classes obviously. You are to listen to my orders...only mine got it" he said.

"Hai Master" I said while feeling a possessive aurora coming from him for me. Soon I noticed a huge dog on Kiba bed. He looked at and followed my gaze.

"Oh dont worry about him. He is my dog Akamaru." he said while smiling. I look at his smile. Its cute...very sincere and loveley...

"He is special to you am I right Master" I said while he nodded. 

I smiled....

Oh Kiba you may seem tough, cold, distant, and, mean but inside you truly were a kind and sweet guy. And knowing the person I am I am determined to get that out of you. I know I am cold and distant as well, but I have amazing friends and senseis at the orphanage who are trying to change that. I helped them get through their moments....after what happened to me they are tying to help me become the person I was before....

"Say Master...."I said while he looked back at me. He seemed to be thinking about something and said " call me Kiba if you like only when we are alone in our room." he said while I blushed when he said our...

"o-okay Kiba...." I said while hiding my blush with me hand. I saw him smirking...idiot.

Soon I regained myself and smiled. "Lets make a promise Kiba" I said which got him to raise an eyebrow at my sudden command. 

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