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The teens were looking through the board listed with many names to see what class they would be in...

"Class 1-A," both Leon and Summer said while smiling knowing they won't have to be separated. Soon off they walked into the hallway to look for their class. Both students excited for the new year as 1st years...especially since it is the same school that their parents went to.

"I can't wait to try out for the soccer team," Summer said while skipping into class with Leon following behind her. Once inside they noticed that all their friends are also in the class along with other new students. 

"Himawari it seems you managed to skip a year and be with us," Summer said while smiling and holding the youngest girl hands. "That's great you get to be with us I'm glad" she added.

"Me too!" she said happily while sitting next to Inojin who was drawing in his sketchbook. 

Leon noticed that Shikadai was sleeping on his desk that was next to the window. He noticed the empty seat next to him and went to go sit down. 

Leon was worried...not about school and making friends...but about the archery team. He noticed that the team is made of 5 people...and usually, those who try out only a max of 2 are picked by the team. Leon is worried he won't make it...

When he walked passed the sports hallway where all the photos and trophies are at he noticed that mom was the first ever known to be the 1st year to be picked by the team. She was in every photo...known to have been recognized in city championships and state national. Leon wanted to be like mom. 

"You'll make it don't worry dude," Shikadai said noticing his best friend worries. Leon smiled and nodded while Shikadai smirked and went back to sleep. Like father like son...

Soon Shino-sensei walked in...let this first year begin. All students were sitting in their seats as lesson began. 

Leon feels way much better and will not only join the archery team but also the music club. Summer was bubbling with excitement while sitting next to Sarada. She was determined to join the soccer team and become one of the best..just like her uncle Ben. And also join the art club. 

Both teens were determined and ready for anything. But were they ready to expect a certain someone after school? 


"Oi what are you doing here B-A-K-A," Leon said while walking out of tryouts with Summer. 

It was already sunset and both teens were exhausted from tryouts. They just wanted to get home and sleep. 

"What did you call me brat," Kiba said while an irk mark was on his head. 

"Look we just wanna get home and sleep," Summer said while walking around him and Leon following. Kiba sigh knowing that he had to get to know the twins and get them on their good side. Yeah, they may want to see their mom happy but that doesn't mean they will ever truly accept him. Kiba wants to be liked by the twins as well. Maybe even be part of the family. 

"How about I treat you two to ramen," he said while the teens stopped dead in their tracks and immediately ran to where Kiba was. 

"Hmm I see you two are bribed by food so easily," Kiba said while smirking. 

"No one denies free food. That is the rule of foods" Leon said while Summer nodded in agreement. Kiba smiled and began to walk with the two teens. 


"So how was the first day of school," I said while eyeing the two tired teens. Summer was still wearing her soccer gear while having her duffle bag over her shoulders. So she likes soccer...

I noticed Leon was wearing a simple gear...but what sport...it looked like baseball gear but if it was where is his bat...That was when I noticed the arrows popping out of his duffle bag. So he likes archery...

"Tiresome" Summer said while Leon laughed. "You are starting to sound like Shikadai," he said while laughing. Summer blushed and began to yell. 

"Yeah well...AT LEAST I DON'T GET ALL SHY ESPECIALLY IN FRONT OF SUMIRE!!!" She said while Leon blushed and mumbled something. I smiled and looked at the two blabbing about each other now...

"Hahahaha" I began to laugh myself. Soon they both stopped and stared at me. "Gomen its just you two may look alike but are way different...Summer is more of a bubbly type, a child at heart. As for Leon, you are more of a quiet type but if you get comfortable you begin to open up. More mature but fun to be with. Also by the way you talk and act about Shikadai and Sumire, it seems you two got crushes" I said while the teens seemed to be shocked at my sudden words.

"No..no one has ever seen us like that...only mom and dad were able to see through us," Summer said while her eyes began to tear up. 

"How...I don't understand...we have only known you for a short amount of time" Leon said while clenching his fist. 

"...maybe its because I care about you two...if you mean so much to Sky then you two also mean as much maybe even more to me," I said while letting my soft side out. 

Leon seemed to be doubtful and quickly turned while he began to walk. Summer was shocked and also seemed to be afraid towards what I said. 

"Prove it..." Leon said while grabbing Summer's hand as they began to walk. I smiled and said "Hai"

Then soon we walked to Ichiraku Ramen. We ordered our bowls and chatted some more. Mostly them about their lives back in the Sand Village...

Sky truly loved Ren...and they surely raised these two with lots of love...their smiles while talking about each story is truly heartwarming. 

I smiled and chatted along with the two. It was fun, to be honest. These two kids sure are something. Raising them should must of been amazing...

I watched how they ate and laughed...I wouldn't mind at all...being part of this family...


I wonder how they are doing...I just hope Kiba can see why I love those two so much... they're smiled and heartwarming talks...those kids of mine sure are something else.

And if all goes well then maybe...he can be part of the family...

"What do you think Ren...I just hope you aren't jealous...if you were still here then another ending would of happen. But sadly you had to go first...but when the day comes for me to leave we will surely meet again...my first lover" I said to myself while eyeing the photo of us with our twins on when we first adopted them.

I was fixing some things until I noticed a coat. I saw a blood stain and immediately noticed it was the one Ren last wore...

I grabbed it while embracing it tight as if he was still here...hugging me. I heard a crumble of a paper and quickly looked through the pockets. 

I grabbed it and noticed it also had small blood stains...

Did he write this when the storm came...

I opened it and began to read it.

Dear Sky...I am sorry I should have listened to you...you were always right...for everything. I am hiding in a cave away from the Sand Storm but it seems it too strong. This is my last words for you. Because I know for sure that I won't make it. I am sorry for breaking my promise. I didn't get to grow old with you. Please keep raising the kids like how we always been doing so..you are an amazing mother...also please fall in love again...because if you two do meet again then your red string fate surely was meant to be...especially if that string never ripped throughout these years. 

I love you so much Sky and I am grateful to have been part of your life

Love Re-

I began to cry...he didn't even finish his letter...

"Baka...you always knew I was right..." I said while rereading the letter over and over...

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