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...As I opened the letter I noticed it was Sky. My heart skipped a beat when at to why she might have written me this letter. I took a deep breath and began to read. 

Dear Kiba,

First of all, I would like to say thank-you I guess. Even though you were kind of a dick to me most of time. And harassed me on the first day we met. But when we were alone you were a completely different person. Someone who cares and is gentle when it comes to knowing who that person is. Because of that, my dumbass fell in love with you. I hated the feeling...I still continue to hate it because I thought that you might have had feelings for me too. But I guess I was wrong because you chose Karin. That is when I knew I had to move on. The reason why I decided to take up on the offer of going to the Sand Village. Throughout the end of the semester whenever our eyes would meet I still felt these butterfly feelings. I would just ignore them and continue on with whatever I was doing. I also noticed that on social media you took me off, must have been because of Karin. Quite childish if you ask me, reminds me of high school days. I had to delete the photo of us because it would have just been plain stupid to keep it up.  Despite it, all my feelings towards you are the same...I love you Kiba...I know its strange because how could I possibly love after all you have done to hurt me? I ask myself the same question because despite it all these feelings towards you won't change. If I tend to move on then maybe they will be forgotten within my heart but it will never disappear. Maybe we were just meant to be in another life...Either way, it doesn't matter anymore because we are gonna end up having separate lives in the end. I love you Kiba Inuzuka. I hope we may see each other in the near future...and if not you will always be my first love...

Love-Sky Hatake

After finishing a simple tear stained the paper...smearing some the words but still readable. Damn it Damn it 

What did I fucken do...

Soon the door to my opens up revealing Karin.

"Hmm, what are you reading babe?" she asked while walking in with many pictures for the wedding dress.

I wiped my tears away and hid the letter in my back pocket.

"Nothing just some old papers...what about what do you have there~," I said while changing the subject. 

She blushed and looked away. "Nothing you can't see because the dress is gonna be a surprise," she said while walking away. 

I smiled and kissed her forehead. I guess I have to move on too...


"How do you think she is doing" asked the red-headed. 

"She is doing fine Ben now come one we gotta get ready because in a week we will be working in our official majors," Sai said while smiling. 

"Hai Hai, Hinata and I got a chance to talk and meet when we left Sky at the airport. We are planning something big with Naruto, her fiance" Ben said while smiling. 

"That is great...Ino and I have also been talking about opening up our own shop I guess. We get along so well despite our different personalities" Sai said while smiling thinking about the long hair blonde. 

Soon both boys finished their things and got ready for bed. Both staring at the empty neatly done bed. 

"Good night Sky," they both said while falling asleep. 


Ren was helping me with the dishes. It was already late and we gotta get up early for tomorrow. 

"Alright done," he said while I smiled. I took a bath first while he was waiting in his room. I jumped into the tub and felt the warm water soothing my skin from all the excitement and stress. 

I noticed that I was in here for some time now. I decided to wash up and let Ren have his turn. I covered myself up really good. Thank god I had a robe with me for better coverage. I walked out and yelled. "Ren the bathroom is ready!" I said while rushing to my room. 

I quickly changed and climbed into bed. 

Soon I heard a knock. "Umm...Goodnight Sky" Ren said while the door remained closed. I walked up to it and opened it up slightly. "Goodnight Ren," I said while smiling.

He smiled and walked back to his room. 

I closed the door and climbed back into bed. 

"Goodnight Ben...Goodnight Sai" I said while closing my eyes. Letting slumber take over.

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