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When Kiba yelled at me it reminded me of when Ben first yelled at me...when he first came to the orphanage...

Sai and I decided to celebrate our birthday together since the day he came to the orphanage I was also dropped off at the orphanage. Today kakashi sensei wasn't with us since he went to go get another kid. Apparently his name is Benny and he is going to be our new roommate.

"Do you think he will like us" said Sai.

I hopped off of my new bed since Sai got my bunk bed.

"Hai" I said with a huge smile in my face he just smiled a little.

"Tadaima" yelled Kakashi sensei.

Sai and I ran out to see a boy with burgundy hair and eyes. He looked at and tsk

"Annoying " was all he said as he walked by us.

Sai and I just looked at each other and sigh


At this point we were in our last year of elementary school. We are all working so hard to get into this prestigious middle school with a scholarship. I just finished my exams. Sai is still doing them. I was waiting until I heard yelling. I quietly walked to the group. My eyes widened because I noticed Ben being pushed to the ground.

"Leave me alone I have nothing to do with you and don't you dare touch her" he said.

I look at the two boys and didn't know who they were...but who is she...

"Oh yeah and what if I dont" he said while grabbing Ben from the collar. He glared and spit at him.

"I'll personally kill you bastard" that's when he got punched. My blood boiled and I ran to the boy only to kick him in the face. I turned around and punched the other boy. But soon was hit in the face. I lost balanced and fell on the floor.

"Speak of the devil.." was all the boy said and kicked me in the stomach.

"Aaahhhhh!!!" I yelled in pain as I coughed blood.

"I warned you didn't i" said a scary looking Ben he got up and smiled menacing at them. By the end of the fight Ben and I were both on the floor.

"So it was me...you do care bout us huh" I said while laughing which hurt.

"Hn" was all he said until a lady found us half consious..

"Oh my God honey come and help me please!" My last galce was of her she had ravened colored hair and these beautiful charcoal colored eyes...she carried me as I noticed someone else carried Ben....


I opened my eyes to see I was at the hospital with Ben next to me.

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