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Okay Okay...maybe I lied about hanging out with them. Well I have an excuse. I had my classes straight on...only like 20 minutes between them all. Honors English and math. Photography and Music were next. Lastly Im on my way to archery. Throughout the day I have seen everyone from that one night walk. 

The bright pink haired gal was Sakura Haruno. Sasuke fiance. The red haired gal was Karin, an adopted daughter of the Kushina and Minato, younger sister of Naruto. And lastly the white haired guy. Suigetsu. 

And apparently this Kiba guy is in all my classes along with a mix match of some his friends. Why I know this because he kept staring at me all fucken day...ugh I swear

Ugh why is the world so fucken small. Soon as I made a turn in the hallway I put my gaze upon an open classroom door. Thats when I noticed dark navy blue hair. My eyes cant be him...he moved away after junior year..

I shook my head and kept on walking he is in the past i kept repeating myself. I hurried off to the archery training field. Once I got there I noticed Suigetsu. 

"Oi Sky didnt know you did swordsmanship too. I thought you just did archery. Due to all the rumors I heard your name that you are a beast in archery. Also that you have a unique bow and arrow to use as well" he said while smirking with his shark like teeth. He is pretty much on my good side. He is also here due to a scholarship. Also for lady Hinata. He is her main butler and body guard. So he isnt part of the rich social status like everyone else here. 

"Hm no I dont do swordsmanship" I said while eyeing the training field. Why are there having two sports together. Usually they separate all sports. 

"Really...can I see your bow and arrow then" he said while smiling hoping I would say yes. I opened my duffle bag and pulled out my bow and arrows. 

I showed it to him and he was amazed to see them. They are quite detailed and decorated. I never found another same bow nor arrows. Reason why I take care of arrows. I even took it to pawn shop to see its worth. 800,000 dollars for the bow. And 300,000 dollars the arrows.. Due to the material that was use and the details involving some precious pendants that were use. But I would never sell them....

"Wow they are so amazing...and quite detailed." He said while admiring the arrows and bow. Soon the coach came. 

"Alright everyone get together because this season each archer is going to be partnered up with a swordsman" our coach Guy sensei and Kakashi sensei?! Since when did he work here...I just sweatdropped while he simply smiled at me...uhhh okay then.

Soon after that was said everyone began to partner up. I was eyeing everyone beginning to hug and smile at eachother once they formed their partnership. SIGH

I never really like these partner things...

"Oi Sky lets be partners...what do you say " said Suigetsu once he took out his hand for me to shake. 

Why me...I seemed surprised by his actions I didnt know he would want me as a partner.

"Umm why me..." I said while adverting my eyes into the trees to my left.

"Well you seem nice and I would love to get to know you more. Not only to want a partnership with you but also a friendship." he says while smiling at me. An honest and sincere smile. 

I look at him directly in the eye and smiled as well. 

"Hai" I said while shaking his hand. Soon he dragged me into him and gave me a soft yet strong hold type of hug.

Soon he let go and smiled. I began to laugh and smiled with him. 

"Alright for today get to know eachother and may practice to see eachother skills and what not" says Kakashi sensie.

Everyone either went to the training field or decided to sit under the trees. 

"So do you want to chill and talk or show eachother skills and talk" I say while noticing everyone move. 

"Skills" he says while eyeing me. "Is that a challege i hear" I say while smirking with him. 

"yes or are you to scared. I understand since you are a girl" he said while emphasizing the word girl. 

"Bitch please...challenge accepted. I may be a girl but I am more capable of what you think" I say while smirking.

Soon we flip a coin to see who goes first. I won.

We went to the target field and I got prepared with my gear. I got into position and I was prepared to shoot. Suigetsu pushes the button so the targets can move wildly within the target zone. I breathed in and out and shooted. One Two Three and so on. I was on a role. Until I noticed I got the targets. Each one perfectly targeted. I turned around and smirked at Suigetsu.

He had his mouth opened then he came back to reality. "Oh my fucken god that was amazing Sky" he said while walking over and helping me grab all my arrows back.

"Arigato" I said while he simply smiled. Soon we went to swordsmanship training field. Suigetsu got into place and got prepared with his sword. He smirked at me while I pressed the button to begin the moving mane-ques.

They were coming from every direction and not one touched him. Once he was finished he was breathing heavily and smiled at his accomplishment. 

"Awesome now lets see our numbers. " I said while smiling widely. Once we walk up we noticed we were number one with the same numbers. 37-37

We smiled at eachother and fist bumped. Without knowing that these certain ocean blue eyes and chocolate eyes were staring at us.


Hmm I wonder why she didnt hang out with us today. Probably she had her classes all at once. With no break.

I noticed she had amazing archery skill. I already knew about Suigetsu since he always practice when I go and hang out with Hinata at her house. I turn to my gaze to Kiba. Ever since he lay eyes on her he seemd so interested.

"Oi Kiba why so interested in her huh" I said while leaning against the way. And he kept staring out the window.

"No reason. I got to go. Tsume wanted me home for some reason today" he said while walking away. 

Ever since his father left he hated him mom. he became cold and distant. He doesnt even call Tsume mom. SIGH But one thing for sure he does have interest in Sky.

Hmm Sky...she never said her surname I wonder why.

"Naruto ready to go" Hinata said bringing me out of my thought. "Yeah lets go hime" I said while grabbing her had and intertwining our fingers. 

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