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As Suigetsu and I began to walk to our next class which was math these group of guys stopped us.

"Hey shark boy who is that hot stuff next to you" said this weird white haired dude who had glasses. He was accompanied by two other dude I have never seen in my life.

"Back off Kabuto" said Suigetsu while covering me by standing in front of me. I just glared at him but the next thing I know I was grabbed from behind and threw against the wall. Two other guys? What the fuck. I was trying to break free.

I brought my legs up and hit one in the head. My hand was free so I grabbed the other and punched him.

I look to my side and see Suigetsu beating up the other guys. Next thing I knew I was hit in the head. I lost my balance and fell on the floor. Suigetsu ran to me and tried to help me. But the guys I beated up earlier got him and began punching him.

Soon I was brought up and smashed up against the wall. I yelp In pain. I saw them beat up Suigetsu...I felt tears ran down my eyes...

"SUIGESTU!!!" I yelled but what Kabuto did next froze me in fear. He slowly brought his lips next to my ear and whispered..."lets have fun shall we..." he said while I froze in the spot. I felt my lips trembled as those same exact words filled my head all over again...its happening all over again...please someone help me...I don't want the same thing to happen to me like in high school.

Ben....Sai.....Suigetsu....even him I beg anyone to come right now.....anyone please......He began to kiss my neck as he slowly brought his hand up to my shirt.

"p-please.....stop" I trembled out.....

Suigetsu tried to get up but failed and was beginning to loose conscious. Anyone please....the bastard of Kabuto groped my right breast as I screamed for someone to come. But he shut me up but forcefully kissing me...

I was about to give up due to my stupid fear...until the next thing I know free from his grasped.

I look to my side to see Kiba beating the shit out of Kabuto. "If she says no then you fucken stop bastard. But first of all you never should of touch her in the first place!!!" he yelled while punching him over and over. Soon Naruto was here and saw the situation. He ran to help Suigetsu while I slumped down into the floor. I began to cry because I was about to be raped again....

I cried until Kiba stopped and came over to me. He tried to touched me but I flinched at his sudden touch.

"don't touch me!!"I yelled while grabbing my head and I was beginning to breathe rapidly. I felt the same fear like in high school...the memories began to flood my head. I was going back to the same situation....until I felt a pressure point and felt my body became heavy...

"Gomen Sky-chan " was the last thing I heard....before I let darkness take me in...


As I ran I noticed Hinata and Naruto. They saw me and ran after me. Once I got there I couldn't control my anger. Sky was frozen in the spot as the bastard of Kabuto was physically harrasing her. I came just In time...or else things would of been worse for her. I ran and began beating the shit out of Kabuto. Naruto noticed the situation and helped Suigestu. Hinata was shocked by the scene in front of her. Soon the group ran away and Naruto got Suigetsu who was badly injured.

I walked up to Sky...she looked so weak and vulnerable....I tried to touch her to see if she was okay but she screamed at me "dont touch me!!!" I backed away but noticed she was getting worse until Hinata came up to her and hit a pressure point by her neck.

"Gomen Sky-chan" she said when she fell asleep. I caught her and carried her in my arms. Naruto help Suigetsu up while Hinata ran up to him. "Are you alright Suigetsu please don't get carried away" said Hinata while examining Suigetsu.

"Hai...Lady....Hinata....I am fine....But Sky-kun is she....okay" he said while Naruto helped him walked over to me.

"Hai"I said while carrying her bridal style. "Hinata what did you do to her" I asked. "I put her to sleep by pressure point. She was about to have a panic attack. Now come we gotta take both of you guys to the hospital" said Hinata while we agreed and rushed outside. Suigetsu got inside of Naruto's orange mustang with Sky next to him. Hinata and Naruto got inside and drove off. I hopped on my motorcycle and went right behind him.

Once at the hospital they each got a room. Suigetsu was bandaged up and cured from his wounds. He explained what happened to us. How they were walking to class then Kabuto and his gang walked up to them and beat the shit out of him and Sky. Kabuto wanted to sexually abuse Sky... I became tensed as he said that...that bastard...I noticed a nurse walked in.

"Ohayo the young girl has woken up we had to give her a tranquiliser to calm her down because she was having a small panic attack so please dont startle her. Also I think the she would prefer to see her family or a close friends preferably who isnt a guy she is still a little shock from the incident " she said as she walked out. Hinata offered to go as Naruto stayed with Suigetsu and call her friends as I walked with her to her room.

Hinata looked at me then at the hallway.

"Whats up" I told her as we continued to walk to her room.

"Nothing just stay outside for a whilewhen you tried to help her she didnt want you to touch you if you dont remember "she said as we finally made it to her door. I remembered. She flinched and yelled at me. Its as if she knew what was gonna happen next to herthe feeling of being rapedwas she actually raped before.

Hinata walked in as I stayed outside but I wanted to see how she iswhen I first saw her dull blue eyes they were fierce and strong. But at that moment she was afraid and smallvulnerable to those who she can stand up to

I gritted my teeth and walked in slowly without making any noise. I noticed the curtains blocked the view of who walks in or out of the room. So I closed it slowly and decided to hid behind the curtains.

"What do you mean" Hinata cried out

"That this wasnt gonna be the first time" .Sky cried out.

Thats when my eyes shot opened in realizationI threw the curtain opened and looked at Sky. She looked at me shocked and looked awayas if she was ashamed

I glared at her and yelled " why didnt you tell me!!! If I would have known I would have protected you!! Kept a better eye on you Sky!!" I yelled while she flinched at my sudden tone of voice.

"Hinata can you leave us alone please" I said while Hinata immediately walked out.

" Sky look at me "I said while she just looked the other way around. SIGH

"Sky please" i said and thats when she looked at me

"Promise me when we get back home you wont keep any secrets from me...tell me everything ...and so will I but whatever we say in the room stays in the room...please so I can know how to protect you and treat you better...despite of how cold I can act " I said as I tried to hold her hand but she moved as I slowly brushed her hand with the tip of my fingers. 

She is still scared I thought as I looked at how vulnerable she looks...

Finally she said "okay I promise " as her dull blue eyes looked into my brown chocolate ones...once again like when we first met...

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