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Man, where's Sky she should be home by now. I looked at the time and read 11:45 pm. Her archery practice should have finished a long ass time ago. I wonder if she is okay....? I got my phone out and ringed her....

"Hi, I am sorry I am either away or busy right now please call back later Sky" then it went to voicemail. I hung up and decided to leave and look for her until Tsume stopped me who came into the house. 

"Tadaima, where are you going so late Kiba" she said while taking off her coat. "Gonna look for Sky" I said until she stopped me. 

"I let her have the weekend off" She said and walked away. I was left dumbfolded...why didn't she ask me....

I was about to leave until Karin was at the door. 

"Ohayo Kiba kun wanna hang out" she asked while she blushed and played with her bright red hair. I was thinking about it...until I decided why not.

"Sure why not Karin" I said and walked out with two helmets. I gave her one to put on, as well for me. And off we rode into the starry night while feeling the fresh night breeze. I could feel Karin tightened her hands and came close to my back as I felt her boobs being pressed. I ignore the feeling and kept riding. We decided to go to this fancy restaurant near Ichiraku Ramen. 

We finally came by and stopped, I parked my motorcycle and got off. I helped Karin by grabbing her waist and brought her down. 

"I guess we should call this a date Kiba kun" she said while holding my hand. I smiled and didnt see any reason as to why not. Maybe I should give Karin a chance....

"Sure I guess it is" I said and was leading her in the restaurant until a certain laugh caught my ear. I turned around and noticed Sky talking to this guy whom I didnt know....I was lost in trance as how she was having so much fun laughing with this guy...until Karin tugged me. 

"Hey Kiba kun come on" she said while I just looked at her and smiled. 

"Yeah sorry thought I saw something" I said while feeling this tight knot in my stomach. 


"Hahahaha seriously" I said while Ren talk to me about how one of his friends name Gaara was so excited over a kitten. He also told me how he made such wonderful friends name Temari and Kankuro too. They live in the village of the sand so its a little far from here. How he is majoring in business. And that he is also studying at the same school as me. 

He also laughed at some of my past experience. We were having so much fun just like when we were in high school....

"This is so much fun...just like when we were going out in high school" he said while eating some ramen.

"Hai" I said while blowing my ramen so it won't be so hot. 

"Are you in love Sky chan" he asked me out of the blue when he said that the image of a smiling Kiba came into my mind.  Why....

I shook my head and sigh "No I am not right now..." I said while smiling.

"What about you are you in love Ren kun" I said while drinking some of my green iced tea. He looked up into the night full of stars and then looked at me smiling. 

"Of course I am" he said which brought a sad smile to my face.... the reason for that is because he still has a special place in my heart...

But what he said next surprised me...."I have always been in love with her...evre since the first day I bump into her in high school...I have always been in love with you Sky chan...that feeling never went away because you were my first love" he said while smiling at me with a tint of pink on his cheeks...blushing from the embarrassment that he showed his true inner feelings with me. 

I felt the same butterfly feelings in my stomach when I was falling in love with him...the same beautiful feeling that I just couldn't explain and love so much...

I giggled and kissed his cheek...which caught him by surprise. We locked eyes which caused me to blush and look away. He laughed and grabbed my chin...and gave me a kiss on the forehead...I smiled and loved it....

"Next time it will be on the lips...that will be when you will surely love me back like when we were in high school" he said while holding my hand and smiling at me. I smiled and laughed. 

"Hai" I said while he paid for the meal and off we walked to the orphanage in hand with our fingers intertwined. 

Without noticing that a certain pair of beautiful chocolate eyes were staring at us...the same ones that Sky can not get out of her head....


As Karin and I walked out of the restaurant I saw everything that happen between Sky and that guy...I felt my blood boil....I just wanted to snatch her away and take her back home...

"Kiba kun hehe lets go back to my place no ones home" Karin said. Lets just say we had a little too much to drink. I noticed she was drunker than me due to the tinted cheeks. Also she wouldnt stop being touchy and dirty with me...I felt the bulge in my pants tighten. 

I look back at Sky and the guy and glared at them as they walked away....

Why not maybe I will give Karin a chance...besides that stupid orphan seems to be having fun...I look back down at Karin and see some of her skin wihtin her flashy shirt while she kisses my neck...

"Yeah baby lets go to your place and have all the fun you want" I said while grabbing her ass and kissing her. I bit her lips and slipped my tongue in...

We grabbed the helmets and off we went to the Uzumaki mansion. 


On the ride to her place, she wouldn't stop rubbing me which felt so good...

By the time we got to her place she we got off and went inside. She grabbed my hand and ran upstairs to her room with me following behind her. 

Once inside her room things got heated. I didnt know what wrong with me...I want Sky with me not Karin but I just felt so jealous seeing her with him...It got me so mad...

I felt my all that heartache pain go away with Karin...I kept kissing her making her moan so the time I noticed it undoing the damage was too late.

"I have always loved you Kiba kun please go out with me please" Karin said while we lay naked under the bed sheets. 

I looked at her and said " Of couse babe " she kissed me and smiled. 

What am I doing......

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