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"You guys sure...I mean isn't this too much" I said while feeling nervous. The twins smiled nodding their heads. 

"Hm yeah, this is gonna be perfect!" Summer yelled while twirling in her green dress. Leon smiled while fixing his tie. 

"Yeah besides this is the perfect spot," Leon said while eyeing the newly rebuild orphanage where Sky grew up with her siblings. Who are glaring at me right now... I turned my head slowly to see that they were surrounded by a black aura with death glaring eyes. 

"You sure better treat her well dog boy," Sai said while his hand gripped my shoulder really tight. 

"Hai or else," Ben said while gripping my other shoulder. 

"Alright alright leave him along or he will run away with his tail between his legs," Leon said while saving my ass...

I sigh while we all waited for Sky to arrive...Naruto and Hinata were heling by decorating the place with many daisies and as for Sasuke and Sakura, they were getting the food ready. All the younger ones were chatting while also helping along. Shikamaru and Temari were gonna go and get Sky from work. 

Karina and Suigetsu were also here by helping in what they can. I smiled while seeing her laughing and smiling with Suigetsu. He himself was also happy.

"She's coming!" Boruto yelled while we all scattered and got into our positions. Soon I waited patiently while Leon plugged his phone into the speaker. Why though...I was lost in my thought until I heard a small laugh coming from inside. 

"Wait haha papa Kakashi what is going on," she said while Kakashi blindfolded her and guiding her outside. 

"A small surprise," he said while he left her right in the center. I smiled at how clueless she looks right now. 

Soon a song caught us both off guard...that can't be...


That song...its the first song she made for us...for me...

Sky quickly removed her blindfold to notice all the small decorations and scenery she was in...she twirled with tears in her eyes before they landed on me she smiled while tearing up more...

Soon everyone popped up while smiling at the perfect romantic scene displayed in front of them...

" our song...but how..." she said while eyeing her son with his phone. Leon smirked while Summer smiled nudging his older brother.

Sky smiled while finally eyeing me with tinted pink cheeks. I offered my hand which she gladly accepted. I brought her close to me while we began to slowly dance in the middle of the circle. She had a huge smile which I love so much...I love Sky...she means everything to me...and this time I won't let my voice be mere echoes for only me to hear...because this time I am not letting her get away...

I embraced her more to which she enjoyed and seemed to relax more while we swayed to the music together...its as if it's only us...

Soon the song finished. I kissed her while letting go of her hand and going on one knee in front of her and everyone to see. I got the ring out to which she gasp.

"I love you Sky Ru Hatake...and I would love it for you to be mine...and let me be part of your beautiful family along with Summer and Leon...also for you to become Sky Inuzuka..." I said while feeling my cheeks become red...

Sky brought her hands up to her mouth while nodding a yes. "Yes Yes Yes !!!!!" she screamed while jumping in her spot. 

I excitedly got up and took the ring while putting it on her finger.

I kissed her hand while grabbing her and twirling her around. 

"I LOVE YOU SKY!!!" I yelled while she simply laughed and hugged me tighter. 

Soon everyone cheered and we all celebrated. 

"So I guess this means you are gonna be our dad now huh," Summer said while walking over to us.

"Uh...yes but you don't have to call me that...I mean I know your dad was Ren and-

"You remind us of him though so much," Leon said while cutting me off. Sky smiled while holding my hand.

"Its as if our father is right in front of us...except you guys look quite different" Summer said while Leon nodded. 

"We just hope you see us as your kids as well...Otosan" they both said while smiling at me. I felt this soft feeling within this what it means to be a parent. We may not be blood-related at all...but to me, these two surely are something else...amazingly something else...

I walked up to them and embraced them in my arms. They seemed to stiffen themselves but soon relaxed. 

"I may never replace your dad Ren...but I will always be here for you two as the father figure you want. Who cares about blood two shall always be my kids..." I said while I heard a small cry.

I backed away seeing Summer crying...and Leon trying so hard not to cry. 

"WAAAAHHH!!!" Summer cried while I immediately comfort her trying to calm her down. 

"I'm glad you are gonna be part of this family now...Papa" Leon said while smiling and wiping away his tears. 

I smiled while we got together for a group hug. 

"Hey, guys a picture" Hinata said while we all got in position and took our first family photo. 

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