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"Sugoi!!!" Yelled Summer and Leon as they watch the scenery out from the windows in the back seat. We have finally arrived at the Leaf Village. My heart won't stop pounding with excitement as we go deeper into our new home.

Their excitement was over the top and they seriously wanted to get off of this car and explore the village. I watched them from the passenger seat as they were smiling and laughing. Talking about the stores and restaurant they wanted to try first. 

As Ben drove more into the village I noticed we came to a stop at a very similar road with a flower shop and convenience store nearby. My eyes widen and a smile crept across my face. 

I smiled knowing exactly where we are..."Alright first stop our home" he said while I smiled with excitement and happiness to be able to see Papa Kakashi again. 

We got off the car as well as Shika and his family. 

"Alrighty twins come here and you too Sky," Sai said as we obeyed. Soon we were blindfolded. 

"N-Nani..." I said while the I heard Leon and Summer struggle. "Hey watch my hair Shikadai if you are gonna blindfold me!" Summer yelled. As Leon simply laughed. 

"Its a Welcome Back Home Surprise" Ben said as we were guided to the orphanage. Soon once inside I heard many gasps and small muffled cries. 

"Okay Now!" Ben yelled. We took them off as my eyes widen with tears beginning to fall. I brought my hands up to my lips as all my friends and family from the orphanage were here. Soon I was tackled into a huge hug from all the teens that were once children from the orphanage. Tobi and Deidara also have grown old were what I noticed when I hugged them. I smiled while caressing their faces. Then Papa Kakashi came out with Iruka Sensei. I had a huge smile on my face as Iruka Sensei hugged me first also noticing how old he has grown. Then lastly my Papa...

"Look at you how big you have grown up to look as beautiful as your mother...especially since you let your hair grown so long. " He said as he brought his hand up to my cheek caressing my skin as his hand falls to my long hair. I tackled him in a bear hug. 

"I missed you so much Papa," I said. 

Soon all my friends popped up. "Sky-chan your back!!!" They yelled as they all tackled me into a huge hug. I laughed as I noticed how everyone has grown up so much. Last time I saw them was at my wedding. I also noticed many children whom I didn't know. I guess they got busy.

But there was one I did know. "INOJIN!!!!" Yelled my twins as they ran and hugged the blonde who was surprised to see them. Shikadai also joined them. The four reunited once again. 

I looked over at my little ones as they were smiling at how happy I was...I walked over to them and brought them with me to the center of everyone. 

"Everyone I want you to meet my daughter and son...Summer and Leon" I said as everyone smiled at them. Soon Papa Kakashi walked over and looked at them. 

"My my look at how big you two have grown," he said while the twins smiled and hugged their grandpa. 

Soon someone noticed the absence of my loved one. "So where's Ren?" asked Sakura. I looked down as my twins walked over to me and hold my hand. 

"H-he died in the sandstorm..." I managed to say as Naruto and Hinata walked over to console her. 

Everyone remained quiet...they just couldn't believe it...I explained to them what happen and our reason for moving back home. 

"Either way we must keep moving forward...our Papa wouldn't want to see us sad..." Summer said. 

"She's right so please can you guys introduce yourself to us" Leon added as they smiled. 

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