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I was in my wedding dress in my living room waiting to be picked up by Papa Kakashi...

Hinata, Sakura, and Temari were here getting Summer and Leon ready. I grabbed a picture of Ren and me when we first moved to the Sand Village. I gently brushed the photo while giving it a farewell kiss. 

"Dad would be seeing you happy again mom," Leon said while walking up with his black tuxedo. 

"Hm yeah besides you love him as much as he loves you, momma," Summer said while I smiled and nodded. I put the photo back on the shrine where we prayed before leaving to the ceremony. 

"Come on you two we are going first okay...we will see you at the ceremony Sky," Hinata said while taking the twins along with Sakura and Temari. 

Soon I was left alone until I heard a knock. I quickly went to it to see Sai, Ben, and Papa Kakashi. 

I smiled while trying so hard not to cry. 

"You look lovely Sky...just like your mother," Papa said while hugging me. Soon Ben and Sai noticed me while they tried so hard not to cry.

"You look beautiful Sky," Ben said while patting my head. I smiled feeling the younger sister role right now. Soon Sai came up to me and smiled. 

"You look amazing...Boobzilla" he said while I tried to process what he just said. 

"Goddamit Sai you can never keep up a family moment," I said while laughing. 

"Now we know who will enjoy those boobs of her if you know what I mean, " Ben said while making me blush. 

"You guys are so immature," I said while walking out and towards the car while they laughed at me. Papa Kakashi was just enjoying the sibling moment. 

Soon off we drove to the Inuzuka Mansion where the wedding was going to be held in their exotic garden. I couldn't stop fidgeting with my hands. I was nervous because what if Kiba will regret himself at the last minute. 

"Nervous?" Ben asked while I nodded. Soon he grabbed my hand and held it tight. 

"Don't be...everything will be alright. " He sais while I nodded and smiled. 

Soon we arrived at the Mansion. "Hey Papa Kakashi will you let us give Sky..." they asked which caught me off guard. Papa Kakashi smiled and nodded. 

"After all she is your younger sister," he said while waving off. I smiled and was about to cry. 

Ben was on my left while Sai was on my right both hooked onto each of my arms. I began to walk while I heard many small yells saying that the bride was coming. 

Soon I was at the end of the red long carpet while Kiba was on the other end. He seemed to be lost in a trance as his eyes laid eyes on me. I smiled while the music began and both Sai and Ben walked me down the aisle. 

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