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"Good Morning everyone. My name is Itachi Uchiha and I will be your Honors English Professor." he said. He had charcoal colored eyes with some red in them. Raven colored hair. But his surname sure stood out. The Uchiha are known for their work in the business industry, selling jewlery. Especially in the political issue. Quite powerful for sure. Especially since the younger Uchiha is going to marry Miss Haruno Sakura. They are known for being quite involve in the medical field. Creating new technology to better the medical procedures and surgeries. 

Along with the business industry as well are the Uzumaki's. They are known for owning the worlds famous toy business. Kuruma Toy Shop. The only son of the Uzumaki family is going to marry Miss Lady Hinata.  The Hyuga family...also involved in the medical field but as professional doctors. Quite amazing work as well. 

Then lastly the Inuzuka's family...they are known for the medical field as well but in animals. Especially Miss Hana...she has amazing skills when it comes to helping any animal. 

And then...theres me nothing special. Just an orphan who values the little things in life.

"Okay class I want you all to come up and introduce yourself, name, hobbies, reason for being in this school and major" he said.

Soon one by one went up. But little did I knew that this world can be so fucken small.

"Ohayo my name is Naruto Uzumaki. I enjoy soccer so I joined the team here. Oh and I love eating ramen. I came to this school because my mom made me and my major is still undecided i guess" he said. The same guy I saw last night. What the fuck. He is quite cheerful and loud if you ask me. 

I decided to observe the classroom. Most of them were here...except for the red headed girl, cherry blossom girl, and the white haired dude. As I observed the class I also noticed the same chocolate brown eyes...the same ones that locked with mine at the fancy restaurant...he noticed me and his eyes widened. I guess he seems surprised as well..soon I turned my attention back to the front. 

Next was the raven haired guy. 

"Ohayo my name is Sasuke Uchiha ".......Nani thats all. Soon he sat down. I noticed professor Uchiha smiled a little. WAIT?! Uchiha he is the younger one. And the professor is the older one.

Next was the lavender eye girl. She seemed pretty shy due to the way she was fidgeting her fingers.

"Ohayo my name is  Hinata Hyuga...umm I enjoy reading and umm...I plan to become a professional doctor soon." she said while smiling at the end. Then more students went up. Until It was my turn. 


As I sat in class I noticed the same girl that I passed by last night. Ever since then I couldn't forget her. He dull shade of blue eyes that seem gray on rainy days. her short light brown hair that framed her face beautifully. 

I noticed her look around the class with a straight face until her eyes met mine. I got starteled so my eyes shot wide open. She just simply turned around. Weird...she didnt even blushed or smiled. Usually girls do that...

All my friends have gotten up already it was me and her left. She was next.

"Ohayo my name is Sky...and I have a passion for archery so I joined the team. Also I am majoring the music industry." she said while sitting down. Hmm no surename...I smirked interesting.


I never say a surname. Well I dont have one of course. And I did lied about my major. I am actually majoring into two spots. Music and Photography. But photography is more like secret hobby. But what I noticed throughout the speech his eyes were looking at me. 

At the end he smirked...wonder what that idiot was thinking. Who cares...not like I will ever fall in love again. Not after what happen...

Next was him..."Ohayo my name is Kiba Inuzuka. I am part of the soccer team. I am majoring in music." Great...we might have the same classes.


Professor Itachi let us talk among our self. I decided to listen to music and finish my homework for math. Until they came up...Naruto,Sasuke,Hinata, and...KIba

"Oi wanna hang out during break" said Naruto. "Um..why" I asked. They never have talked me. Nor do I trust them, they just might want to prank me..

"Well...umm...I always noticed you seem alone. Ever since we started school for the first year...I had you for like most of my classes. So I asked them why not be friends with her.." Hinata said all shyly.

"Yeah!" yelled Naruto while Sasuke just shrugged and Kiba just...obsereved. Nani....friends....

"I guess why not..." I said while remaining with my straight face. Oh god lets see how this school year is going to turn out. 

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