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"Hello" I answered while I waiting on the other person to answer. "Kiba where are you Naruto told me what happen!!!" yelled Tsume while I sigh and explained to her what happen. Immediately she hung up and and said that she was on her way. I went up to counter of the hospital and asked for Sky chart. I ended up paying the hospital expenses and signed what needed to be signed to she could be discharged from this place. I was making my way back to the room while I heard laughter.

She just almost got raped why is she laughing...I thought she would be depressed and just in the covers soon the door opened and her brothers and sensie walked out...

"Bye-bye Sky-chan" yelled Ben quite childish. The others simply waved. Soon the door closed and they began to walk by me.

"Arigato" Sai said while just walking by as for Ben he completely changed. From having a childish smile and personality into this menacing glaring guy who would hurt those who have hurt those close to him.

"Expecting me to say thankyou arent you...well I guess...Arigato...damn rich brat" he said while walking by

I was about to protest until I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Kakahsi sensie.

"Gomen about them they can be quite harsh but its because they each have their fears at such a young age from the cruel reality of life. They have struggle each day to make it where they want to be. They dont trust much except for those who they grew up with reason why those three have eachothers back through thick and thin."he said while letting go and catching up to them with a wave as he walked to them.

I closed my eyes and sigh and made my way to the room. I noticed Sky was changed and ready to go.

We walked down to the main entrance and waited for Tsume. We didnt say a word. Soon I noticed the car pull up with my mom inside.

"Get in" was all she said. "Oh and dont worry bout your bike Hana took it back home." she said then we got in drove back home in silence.

Once we were home Tsume asked to talk alone with Sky. I decided to make my way to my room.


Once alone Lady Tsume ran up to me and hug me so hard. Like if I was going to disappear.

"You quite strong to remain like this especially since its not the first Sky...Kakashi had told me everyhting about you...let it out...cry it all out..."she said and I felt my legs give up on me. I slump down with Lady Tsume following as I cried my heart out.

"I know how you feel..."she while my eyes shot wide open.

She was now crying with me. "W-what do you mean.."I said while looking at her wondering how can this strong and independent women could have gone through this...

"My ex husband...he was kind and caring at first but soon became an alcoholic. At first it was only verbal abuse...then it became physical...punches and kicks there were times when i had to hide in my room for Hana nor Kiba couldnt see. They never saw him drunk...I would always find a way to prevent that scene. Then one night he sexually abuse me...i didnt want to have sex but he forced me..."she said while breathing in and exhaling it out.

"Reason why that night I made a promise to never let another man touch me...nor hurt me...i kicked him out and got a divorce. Hana knew what happen because she saw me crying, but Kiba was still small at this point...I couldnt tell him reason why...-

"Reason why he has a grudge towards you"I said while hugging her now.

"Yes" she said then I looked at her held my pinky out.

"As long as I am here I am going to change that I promise Lady Tsume" I said as she smiled and intertwinded our pinkies then I made my way out.

"Please dont tell Kiba" she said while getting up and wiping her tears away. I nodded and made my way to my room thats inside of Kibas room.

"I see you are back...come here" he said as I closed the door and sat on his bed. "So who goes first..." he said...oh yeah we are going to say our secrets...

Our secrets that lie deep within us never wanting to be revealed to the world....

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