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~Your name shall be India💜

I exhaled, frustratedly, tossing my phone on the table. I held my head in my hands, and tapped my foot, anxiously. "India, calm down. He said he was on the way."my bestfriend, Cheri, reassured, picking up my phone to check if it was cracked. "He said that bullshit a whole fuckin hour ago. I'm not stupid. And even if he was, why the fuck is he not picking up the damn phone?"I said as calmly as I possibly could, knowing she's extra sensitive and would cry if I yelled at her.

"Stop cursing."she sighed. "It's probably dead, India. Or maybe he's driving. I don't know, but you need to calm down. You know how this gets for both of us." I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. I went to grab my phone to call again but she got it before I could. "Stop. He's coming. And when he gets here, you can talk it out and ask all you need to and solve the problem without spazzing like the classy, respectable, young woman you were raised to be. Right?" I shrugged.

"India, I doubt he did anything you think he did or what somebody you don't even know told you. Especially with a woman who has a whole child with a rapper. Come on, India. He loves you, you know that. This is silly." I didn't say anything to her. Shortly after, we heard a car door close from outside. "Well, that's my cue. I'll call you later, ok?" I nodded, and she rubbed my shoulder. She then got off the couch just as soon as the door opened.

"Hey, Odell."she smiled at him. "Wassup, Cheri."he greeted, as they hugged. "How was your trip?" "It was wild."he laughed. I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "It was real crazy. But like fun crazy. You gotta go next time." "Yea, like that'll happen."she said, sarcastically. "Anyway, I gotta get going. It was nice seeing you, Odell. India"she paused after saying my name. "It'll be ok. I promise."she semi smiled at me before walking out.

Odell looked after her weirdly then looked at me, walking over to the couch. "What was that about?"he asked, taking the spot next to me. I looked at him and he chuckled taking his shoes off. "What?"he asked. I gave him the nastiest eye roll I could ever produce. "Why you acting like that? What I do?" I tried to refrain from blowing up but the more I thought about it, the more it made me mad.

"What the hell was wild about it? What was 'real crazy'? And why the fuck you ain't answer yo damn phone? And why the fuck was you behind her on a fucking scooter? And where in the hell was y'all walking to? And please explain to me why the bitch was in the goddamn house wit you, Odell, please. You not answering these fuckin questions fast enough and you pissing me off, for real. And I'm tryna understand why. Like I'm deadass .5 seconds away from slapping the fuck outta you. All you gotta do is say some dumb shit to me and I swear to God, bro, on everything I love, I'm lighting this bitch up."

There was a moment of silence. "Are you done?"he asked and I had to remove myself from the space next to him so I could refrain from punching him in his throat. "Are you?"he asked again. I looked at him, rocking from side to side. "Sure."I said, awaiting some stupid shit to come out his mouth. "Alright. Well, first of all"he started, standing from the couch and walking over to me. "Odell, back the fuck up, I'm not playing. Don't fuckin touch me."I said, pushing him away. He grabbed my wrists and held them to stop me from pushing him. "Chill out. India, chill out, please. Can you listen for one second?"

I rolled my eyes as he continued. "First of all, Ben got my phone in his bag. I forgot it. He took a uber home so I gotta get it later. Second, there was not reason. We were just riding the scooter." "I'm sure she rode more than that." He laughed, shaking his head. "Can I finish, please?" "I don't really think you need to." "You couldn't have possibly got everything you wanted to know from what I just said. Just here me out, baby, please." I sighed, shaking him off me and going to sit on the couch.

"We were walking back to my car. I was taking her to the house. But everybody was going, they wanted to see it. Nothing happened." "Ok but I'm not worried about everybody else. Did I ask about everybody else? And I don't believe "nothing happened". Odell, I honestly advise you to own up the fuck up now, seriously." "On everything I love, nothing happened, India. I swear. Me, her, and Ben was talking then Quavo and then came and they were drinking. I was tired so I went to sleep. That's it." I straight faced him and he started laughing. "What you want me to say? You want me to say I fucked her?" "Did you?"

Closing his eyes, he sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "You pissing me off now. I just explained to you what happened. I just sai-" "Ok, but what she need to see the house for? She been in God knows how many houses. The bitch don't know what a mothafuckin house look like? You gotta be really fuckin retarded, Odell." He shook his head. "I just don't get why you don't trust me." "Cuz you don't give me anything to trust! Everything thing you do, everywhere you go, you always doin some shit and it always end up with me fighting fuckin cheating rumors. Every single time, Odell. This shit gets old. Too old to the point where you just don't even know if you should even make the effort. And I'm tired, really. I just need you to tell me the truth and we'll go from that."

He looked at me with his hands on his hips. He then sarcastically laughed before speaking. "India, I did not touch that girl. I did nothing with her. Yes, we rode a scooter together. That's it. People were around anyway, even if I wanted to, which I did not, I couldn't do anything if I tried." I mugged his, shaking my head. "You're lying!"I yelled. "No I'm not! You weren't there, how would you know?" "Because I just know you are! You do this shit every fuckin time! And I always fall for the shit and end up in the same fuckin position." "Yo short ass always tryna fuckin bully somebody. I wish I did the shit you accused me of so this conversation would be worth it."

I slapped him. As hard as I could. And I couldn't care less what happened after it. "Fuck you,"I pointed in his face. "Fuck this relationship. Don't attempt any kind of communication with me, period. Imma get my shit and leave. I hate you!" I began to walk away and go upstairs. "India"he called. I walked past him but he grabbed my wrist, pulling me back.

His hand found its way around my neck and he slammed me into the wall, kissing me, heavily. I kinda didn't have a choice but to kiss back, not that I didn't want to anyway. He slightly pulled away, kissing the side of my face then down to my neck. "Odell, get off of me."I said, trying to push him away. He then swiftly lifted me over his shoulder and started walking. "Odell, put me down. Where are you going?"I said as he continued up the steps, without saying a word.

He opened the door to our bedroom and threw me on the bed, hovering over me. He kissed my lips a few times before kissing down my face over to my ear. He slightly bit the skin under it and I bit my lip closing my eyes. "Say you hate me again, see what happens."

I stg I'll do a part two, I got tired 😩

Fw me tho. Vote, comment, request, and all that jazz. Your thought and opinions matter 🙂


Q: would you rather find the love of your life or receive 1 million dollars every year ?

A: secure the bag 🔑✊🏾 I would honestly choose money over hella stuff 🤷🏾‍♀️ no shame 😭

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